A concentration inequality for random combinatorial optimisation problems
Preprint, 2024

Given a finite set S, i.i.d. random weights Xᵢ, i∈S, and a family of subsets F⊆2^S, we consider the minimum weight of an F∈F:

M(F):= min { Σ_{i∈F} Xᵢ: F∈F}

In particular, we investigate under what conditions this random variable is sharply concentrated around its mean.

We define the patchability of a family F: essentially, how expensive is it to finish an almost-complete F (that is, F is close to F in Hamming distance) if the edge weights are re-randomized?
Combining the patchability of F, applying the Talagrand inequality to a dual problem, and a sprinkling-type argument, we prove a concentration inequality for the random variable M(F).


Joel Danielsson

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Analysis and Probability Theory

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Probability Theory and Statistics



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