Competing High-Temperature Deformation Mechanisms in Mo(Si,Al)2–Al2O3 Composites
Journal article, 2024

Mo(Si,Al)2–Al2O3 composites were tested in four-point bending at 1300 °C. The addition of Al2O3 led to a decrease in grain size, and a subsequent decrease in strength for materials containing up to 15 wt pct Al2O3. At higher Al2O3 fractions, the decrease in grain size saturates and the strength is recovered as the Al2O3 particles prevent grain boundary sliding.


Aina Edgren

Kanthal AB

Chalmers, Physics, Microstructure Physics

Erik G. Strom

Kanthal AB

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander

Chalmers, Physics, Microstructure Physics

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

1073-5623 (ISSN)

Vol. 55 9 3220-3225

Developing next generation high temperature MoSi2 materials

Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) (ID18-0064), 2019-10-01 -- 2023-09-30.

Subject Categories

Applied Mechanics



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