Colloquium: Eigenvector continuation and projection-based emulators
Journal article, 2024

Eigenvector continuation is a computational method for parametric eigenvalue problems that uses subspace projection with a basis derived from eigenvector snapshots from different parameter sets. It is part of a broader class of subspace-projection techniques called reduced-basis methods. In this Colloquium, the development, theory, and applications of eigenvector continuation and projection-based emulators are presented. The basic concepts are introduced, the underlying theory and convergence properties are discussed, and recent applications for quantum systems and future prospects are presented.


T. Duguet

University Paris-Saclay

KU Leuven

Andreas Ekström

Chalmers, Physics, Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics

R. J. Furnstahl

Ohio State University

S. König

North Carolina State University

Dean Lee

Michigan State University

Reviews of Modern Physics

0034-6861 (ISSN) 1539-0756 (eISSN)

Vol. 96 3 031002

Subject Categories

Computational Mathematics

Software Engineering

Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems)



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