Andreas Ekström

Professor at Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics

Andreas is a theoretical nuclear physicist. He focuses his research on theoretical models of the strong force that binds protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei. The overarching aim is to create quantum mechanical models to describe and predict the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei.

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List of publications:

Research Funded by an ERC Starting Grant and a Project grant from the Swedish Research Council

Image of Andreas Ekström

Showing 39 publications


Inference of the low-energy constants in Δ -full chiral effective field theory including a correlated truncation error

Isak Svensson, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén
Physical Review C. Vol. 109 (6)
Journal article

Colloquium: Eigenvector continuation and projection-based emulators

T. Duguet, Andreas Ekström, R. J. Furnstahl et al
Reviews of Modern Physics. Vol. 96 (3)
Journal article

The importance of few-nucleon forces in chiral effective field theory

Chieh-Jen Yang, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén et al
European Physical Journal A. Vol. 59 (10)
Journal article

What is ab initio in nuclear theory?

Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén, G. Hagen et al
Frontiers in Physics. Vol. 11
Review article

First observation of <sup>28</sup>O

Y. Kondo, N. L. Achouri, H. A. Falou et al
Nature. Vol. 620 (7976), p. 965-970
Journal article

Bayesian analysis of chiral effective field theory at leading order in a modified Weinberg power counting approach

Oliver Thim, Eleanor May, Andreas Ekström et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 108 (5)
Journal article

Ab initio symmetry-adapted emulator for studying emergent collectivity and clustering in nuclei

K. S. Becker, K. D. Launey, Andreas Ekström et al
Frontiers in Physics. Vol. 11
Journal article

Bayesian estimation of the low-energy constants up to fourth order in the nucleon-nucleon sector of chiral effective field theory

Isak Svensson, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén
Physical Review C. Vol. 107 (1)
Journal article

Posterior predictive distributions of neutron-deuteron cross sections

Sean Miller, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén
Physical Review C. Vol. 107 (1)
Journal article

Ab initio predictions link the neutron skin of Pb-208 to nuclear forces

Baishan Hu, Weiguang Jiang, Takayuki Miyagi et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 18 (10), p. 1196-1200
Journal article

Bayesian parameter estimation in chiral effective field theory using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method

Isak Svensson, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén
Physical Review C. Vol. 105 (1)
Journal article

Two-pion exchange as a leading-order contribution in chiral effective field theory

Chinmay Mishra, Andreas Ekström, G. Hagen et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 106 (2)
Journal article

Wave-packet continuum discretisation for nucleon-nucleon scattering predictions

Sean Miller, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. Vol. 49 (2)
Journal article

Nuclear Forces for Precision Nuclear Physics: A Collection of Perspectives

Ingo Tews, Zohreh Davoudi, Andreas Ekström et al
Few-Body Systems. Vol. 63 (4)
Journal article

Neutron-deuteron scattering cross sections with chiral NN interactions using wave-packet continuum discretization

Sean Miller, Andreas Ekström, Kai Hebeler
Physical Review C. Vol. 106 (2)
Journal article

Bayesian predictions for A=6 nuclei using eigenvector continuation emulators

Tor Djärv, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 105 (1)
Journal article

Power counting in chiral effective field theory and nuclear binding

Chieh-Jen Yang, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 103 (5)
Journal article

Rigorous constraints on three-nucleon forces in chiral effective field theory from fast and accurate calculations of few-body observables

S. Wesolowski, Isak Svensson, Andreas Ekström et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 104 (6)
Journal article

Normal-ordering approximations and translational (non)invariance

Tor Djärv, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 104 (2)
Journal article

Charge radii of exotic potassium isotopes challenge nuclear theory and the magic character of N = 32

Agota Koszorús, X. F. Yang, Weiguang Jiang et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 17 (4), p. 439-443
Journal article

Accurate bulk properties of nuclei from A=2 to infinity from potentials with Delta isobars

Weiguang Jiang, Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssén et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 102 (5)
Journal article

Analyzing the Nuclear Interaction: Challenges and New Ideas

Andreas Ekström
Frontiers in Physics. Vol. 8
Review article

A Statistical Analysis of the Nuclear Structure Uncertainties in μD

O. J. Hernandez, S. Bacca, N. Barnea et al
Springer Proceedings in Physics. Vol. 238, p. 833-837
Paper in proceeding

Strong Interactions for Precision Nuclear Physics

Andreas Ekström
Springer Proceedings in Physics. Vol. 238, p. 549-558
Paper in proceeding

Eigenvector continuation as an efficient and accurate emulator for uncertainty quantification

S. Koenig, Andreas Ekström, K. Hebeler et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. Vol. 810
Journal article

Improved many-body expansions from eigenvector continuation

P. Demol, T. Duguet, Andreas Ekström et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 101 (4)
Journal article

New ideas in constraining nuclear forces

Ingo Tews, Zohreh Davoudi, Andreas Ekström et al
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. Vol. 47 (10)
Review article

Global Sensitivity Analysis of Bulk Properties of an Atomic Nucleus

Andreas Ekström, Gaute Hagen
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 123 (25)
Journal article

Bayesian optimization in ab initio nuclear physics

Andreas Ekström, Christian Forssen, Christos Dimitrakakis et al
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. Vol. 46 (9)
Journal article

Simulations of subatomic many-body physics on a quantum frequency processor

Hsuan Hao Lu, Natalie Klco, Joseph M. Lukens et al
Physical Review A. Vol. 100 (1)
Journal article

Subatomic many-body physics simulations on a quantum frequency processor

Hsuan Hao Lu, Natalie Klco, Joseph M. Lukens et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F128-CLEO_QELS 2019
Paper in proceeding

Pion-less effective field theory for atomic nuclei and lattice nuclei

A. Bansal, S. Binder, Andreas Ekström et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 98 (5)
Journal article

The deuteron-radius puzzle is alive: A new analysis of nuclear structure uncertainties

O. J. Hernandez, Andreas Ekström, N. Nevo Dinur et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. Vol. 778, p. 377-383
Journal article

Δ isobars and nuclear saturation

Andreas Ekström, G. Hagen, T. D. Morris et al
Physical Review C. Vol. 97 (2)
Journal article

Effective-field-theory predictions of the muon-deuteron capture rate

B. Acharya, Andreas Ekström, Lucas Platter
Physical Review C. Vol. 98 (6)
Journal article

Corrections to nucleon capture cross sections computed in truncated Hilbert spaces

B. Acharya, Andreas Ekström, D. Odell et al
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. Vol. 95 (3)
Journal article

Uncertainty quantification for proton-proton fusion in chiral effective field theory

B. Acharya, Boris Karlsson, Andreas Ekström et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. Vol. 760, p. 584-589
Journal article

Low-energy Coulomb excitation of Sr 96,98 beams

Andreas Ekström
Physical Review C. Vol. 94 (5), p. 054326-
Journal article

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Showing 3 research projects


The strong nuclear interaction: governing the quantum properties of nuclei and the neutron-star equation of state

Andreas Ekström Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

6 publications exist

Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics (PrecisionNuclei)

Andreas Ekström Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Sean Miller Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Isak Svensson Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Weiguang Jiang Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics PP
Oliver Thim Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics PP
Håkan T Johansson Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
European Commission (EC)

26 publications exist

Optimized nuclear forces from chiral effective field theory with statistical and systematical uncertainties

Andreas Ekström Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

1 publication exists
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