Improvement in mechanical as well as magnetic properties of a (FeCoNi)90Ti10-xAlx complex concentrated alloy series by tuning the chemical order
Journal article, 2025

There is considerable interest in magnetic materials which also possess good mechanical properties. Hence, the effect of Ti/Al ratio on the microstructure, mechanical and magnetic properties of (FeCoNi)90Ti10-xAlx complex concentrated alloys (CCA) was investigated. An increase in the Ti/Al ratio in these CCA enhanced chemical ordering and substantially improved selected mechanical and magnetic properties. As the Ti/Al ratio changed from 10 to 0, the ductility increased from 7.5 to close to 50 %, the saturation magnetization (Ms) increased from 115.2 to 136.7 emu/g, and the coercivity (Hc) decreased from 17.9 to 4.2 Oe. The Fe30Co30Ni30Ti5Al5 alloy exhibit higher UTS×EL value than available soft magnetic materials and has relatively higher Ms and lower Hccompared with other CCA. These results provide a methodology to modulate the chemical order in the Fe-Co-Ni system by Al and Ti additions and synergistically tune the mechanical and magnetic properties for high performance rotating electrical machine applications.

Mechanical property

Magnetic property

Chemical order

Complex concentrated alloy


X. Xu

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

K.P. Davidson

Nanyang Technological University

L.P. Tan

Nanyang Technological University

St´ephane Gorsse

University of Bordeaux

Varun Chaudhary

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Materials and manufacture

R.V. Ramanujan

Nanyang Technological University

Scripta Materialia

1359-6462 (ISSN)

Vol. 254 116333

Subject Categories

Mechanical Engineering

Materials Engineering

Physical Sciences

Nano Technology

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Sustainable development

Areas of Advance



Materials Science



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