Varun Chaudhary

Assistant Professor at Materials and manufacture

Varun Chaudhary has research expertise in a variety of functional materials for green energy applications. His research interests include magnetocaloric materials, soft magnets, permanent magnets, high entropy alloys, functionally graded materials, accelerated materials development, additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Accelerated and sustainable materials discovery using high throughput automated approaches along with in-line characterizations and AI/ML integration is expected to allow a major improvement in performance of energy devices and decrease of CO2 footprint.
He is the Chair of the IEEE Magnetic Society Sweden Chapter and serves as an editorial board member of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Frontiers in Materials, Nano (World Scientific), and Materials Open (World Scientific). He is also a member of MRS Singapore, IEEE, and MRS USA.

Image of Varun Chaudhary

Showing 19 publications


Magnetic materials and devices

Varun Chaudhary, R. Nirmala, Yulong Huang
Materials Research Express. Vol. 12 (1)
Other text in scientific journal

Multi-property evaluation of low Cu content Fe-Cu magnetic alloys

Li Ping Tan, Karl P. Davidson, Mehmet Cagirici et al
Materials Research Bulletin. Vol. 187
Journal article

Focus Issue on Magnetic Materials and Devices

Varun Chaudhary, R Nirmala, Yulong Huang
Materials Research Express
Edited journal issue

Robustness of Machine Learning Predictions for Fe-Co-Ni Alloys Prepared by Various Synthesis Methods

Shakti P. Padhy, Soumya R. Mishra, Li Ping Tan et al
iScience. Vol. 28 (1)
Journal article

Magnetic materials and devices

Varun Chaudhary, R Nirmala, Yulong Huang
Materials Research Express. Vol. 12 (1)
Review article

Enhanced Magnetocaloric and Mechanical Properties of Novel Mn–Ni–Cu and Mn–Ni–Ga Alloys for Near‐Room Temperature Applications

Nishant Tiwari, Subhendu Mishra, Ashutosh Srivastava et al
Advanced Engineering Materials. Vol. 27
Journal article

Accelerated multi-property discovery of promising Fe-Si-Al magnetic alloys

Z. Tsakadze, Li Ping Tan, Karl P. Davidson et al
Materialia. Vol. 36
Journal article

Experimentally Validated Inverse design of Multi-Property Fe-Co-Ni alloys

Shakti P. Padhy, Varun Chaudhary, Yee Fun Lim et al
iScience. Vol. 27 (5)
Journal article

Influence of annealing on enhancing soft magnetic properties in laser powder bed fusion processed Hiperco (Fe-49Co-2V)

S. M. Varahabhatla, Varun Chaudhary, Abhishek Sharma et al
Additive Manufacturing Letters. Vol. 9
Journal article

Breaking conventional limits of silicon content in Fe-xSi magnetic alloys through additive manufacturing

Wei Hock Teh, Li Ping Tan, Shilin Chen et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 983
Journal article

Harvesting Magneto-Acoustic Waves Using Magnetic 2D Chromium Telluride (CrTe3)

Chinmayee Chowde Gowda, Alexey Kartsev, Nishant Tiwari et al
Small. Vol. 20 (47)
Journal article

Accelerated discovery of multi-property optimized Fe–Cu alloys

X. Xu, Li Ping Tan, Karl P Davidson et al
Journal of Materials Research and Technology. Vol. 32, p. 3560-3572
Journal article

Accelerated multi-property screening of Fe–Co–Ni alloy libraries by hyper-heuristic combinatorial flow synthesis and high-throughput spark plasma sintering

Shakti P. Padhy, Li Ping Tan, Vijaykumar B. Varma et al
Journal of Materials Research and Technology. Vol. 27, p. 2976-2988
Journal article

Role of heterophase interfaces on local coercivity mechanisms in the magnetic Al0.3CoFeNi complex concentrated alloy

András Kovács, Nithin B. Venkataraman, Varun Chaudhary et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 246
Journal article

Effect of chromium variation on evolution of magnetic properties in laser direct energy additively processed CoCrxFeNi alloys

M Radhakrishnan, M. McKinstry, Varun Chaudhary et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 226
Journal article

Magnetic and mechanical properties of additively manufactured Alx(CoFeNi) complex concentrated alloys

Varun Chaudhary, M. S.K.K.Y. Nartu, S Dasari et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 224
Journal article

Improved mechanical properties of a Ti-48Al alloy processed by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering

V. Sharma, X. Tan, P. S. Sankara Rama Krishnan et al
Materials Today Communications. Vol. 35
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Compositionally Graded Complex Concentrated Alloys for Magnetocaloric Hydrogen Liquification

Varun Chaudhary Materials and manufacture

1 publication exists
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