Sharing the knowledge: training doctoral students to write beyond academia
Other - Blog post, 2024

Considerably little is known about how we can best develop doctoral students’ capacity to communicate findings to the public. Does a skilled academic writer necessarily know how to write a blog post? If yes, how do they know? What is it about their writing knowledge that enables them to transfer their writing expertise from one situation to another? To address these questions, we developed a novel, theoretically grounded approach to writing pedagogy.

scientific blogs

popular science

scientific communication


academic writing


Lisa McGrath

Sheffield Hallam University

Raffaella Negretti

Chalmers, Communication and Learning in Science, Language and Communication

Christine Feak

University of Michigan

Writing for and beyond the academy: An exploration of multi-genre pedagogy

Sheffield Hallam University, 2024-01-01 -- 2024-12-31.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Languages and Literature

Educational Sciences

Media and Communications

Learning and teaching

Pedagogical work

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