Raffaella Negretti

Professor at Language and Communication

I am professor of educational psychology and applied linguistics at Chalmers University of Technology, department of Communication and Learning in Science. The focus of my work is on academic writing, writing for research purposes, genre pedagogy, higher education (HE) learning and development, and self-regulation/metacognition. I am interested in how students become expert writers and learners in their disciplines, and I investigate how writing stimulates cognitive development, critical thinking, and creativity. I am also interested in qualitative research methodology and research ethics. My articles can be found OA on Chalmers' institutional repository, Research.chalmers.se, and have been published in journals such as Written Communication, Journal of Second Language Writing, English for Specific Purposes Journal (ESPJ), Applied Linguistics, and Higher Education, among others. I am a member of various professional associations including EARLI (SIG writing and SIG metacognition), AAAL, EATAW and AERA, and I currently serve as associate editor for the Journal of Second Language Writing.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Raffaella Negretti

Showing 69 publications


Doctoral education at the intersection of academia and the professions in Europe: towards innovative writing pedagogies

Raffaella Negretti, Kristin Solli, Lisa McGrath et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Educating doctoral writers at the intersection of industry and academia

Raffaella Negretti, Monstserrat Castellò, Lisa McGrath et al
Other conference contribution

Learning to write in the era of AI: Hazards and possibilities

Raffaella Negretti
Other conference contribution

Sharing the knowledge: training doctoral students to write beyond academia

Lisa McGrath, Raffaella Negretti, Christine Feak
Other - Blog post

Social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary groupwork

Michael O´Connell, Christian Stöhr, Patric Wallin et al
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 49 (4), p. 683-699
Journal article

Integrating Home and International Students in HE: Academic and Social Effects of Pair Work PBL Assignments Online

Becky Bergman, Raffaella Negretti, Helen Spencer-Oatey et al
Journal of Studies in International Education. Vol. 28 (2), p. 240-258
Journal article

Developing a Micro-Curriculum for Critical AI Literacy in a PhD-Level Academic Writing Course

Sindija Franzetti, Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder et al
Other conference contribution

Conceptualising and cultivating Critical GAI Literacy in doctoral academic writing

Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder, Sindija Franzetti et al
Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol. 66
Journal article

The silent tribe: Mapping the variety of researchers’ science communication practices across STEM disciplines

Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Stina Johansson, Maria Persson et al
Språk i praktiken - i en föränderlig värld. Rapport från ASLA-symposiet, Stockholms universitet, 7-8 april 2022. Stockholm University. , p. 60-85
Book chapter

Case studies

Raffaella Negretti, Baraa Khuder
Conducting Genre-Based Research In Applied Linguistics: A Methodological Guide, p. 13-34
Book chapter


Raffaella Negretti
Applied Linguistics. Vol. 44 (3), p. 599-602
Review article

Embedding students’ academic writing development in early-career disciplinary lecturers’ practice

Lisa McGrath, Helen Donaghue, Raffaella Negretti
Journal of Academic Language and Learning. Vol. 17 (1), p. 134-151
Journal article

Chat GPT – hjälp eller hinder?

Raffaella Negretti
Universitetsläraren (30 oktober)
Magazine article

Thinking outside the box: Senior scientists’ metacognitive strategy knowledge and self-regulation of writing for science communication

Raffaella Negretti, Carina Sjöberg Hawke, Maria Persson et al
Journal of Writing Research. Vol. 15 (2), p. 333-361
Journal article

Using Narratives to Document Social Regulation of Learning in Interdisciplinary Groupwork

Michael O Connell, Patric Wallin, Raffaella Negretti et al

Introduction to the special issue: Innovation in L2 writing task design

Lisa McGrath, Raffaella Negretti
Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol. 62
Other text in scientific journal

Tracking social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary group work

Michael O Connell, Patric Wallin, Raffaella Negretti et al
Transforming Engineering Education, p. 34-38
Paper in proceeding

Individual experiences of intercultural group work in engineering education over time: beyond 'home' and 'international' labels

Becky Bergman, Raffaella Negretti, Britt-Marie Apelgren
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 48 (1), p. 143-156
Journal article

Practices and experiences of science communication: what scientists write beyond academia

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Persson, Carina Sjöberg Hawke et al
Other conference contribution

Science stories: researchers' experiences of writing science communication and the implications for training future scientists

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Persson, Carina Sjöberg Hawke
International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement. Vol. 12 (3), p. 203-220
Journal article

Metacognition in Academic Writing: Learning Dimensions

Raffaella Negretti
Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics. Springer Texts in Education, p. 243-247
Book chapter

Scientific communication beyond academia: writing practices and scientists’ experiences

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Maria Persson et al
Other conference contribution

Akademiska uppdrag måste förenas med hållbart arbetsliv

Hans Malmström, Raffaella Negretti
Universitetsläraren. Vol. 2022 (3), p. 34-35
Magazine article

Scaffolding L2 Academic Reading and Self‐Regulation Through Task and Feedback

Spela Mezek, Lisa McGrath, Raffaella Negretti et al
TESOL Quarterly. Vol. 56 (1), p. 41-67
Journal article

Setting the stage(s) for English for Research and Publication Purposes: Authors, audiences, and learning the craft

Raffaella Negretti, Lisa McGrath
Iberica. Vol. 2022 (43), p. 7-26
Journal article

Metacognitive convergences in research writing

Raffaella Negretti
Other conference contribution

Förstärkt fysiklärande med hjälp av laborationslogg

Jonathan Weidow, Raffaella Negretti, Hans Malmström
Other conference contribution

Exploring and supporting metacognitive awareness and disciplinary literacy during laboratory work

Hans Malmström, Raffaella Negretti, Jonathan Weidow
Other conference contribution

Glöm inte forskningen när doktoranderna lär sig kommunicera

Raffaella Negretti, Hans Malmström, Maria Persson et al
Magazine article

Metacognitive illusion or self-regulated learning? Assessing engineering students’ learning strategies against the backdrop of recent advances in cognitive science

Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Daniel Larsson, Tom Adawi et al
Higher Education. Vol. 82 (3), p. 477-498
Journal article

Scientific Communication Beyond Academia. A report from the GENIE-funded Project: Scientific communication and metacognition: Thinking outside the box

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Stina Johansson
Report - Department for Communication and Learning in Science (CLS)

English for Specific Playfulness? How doctoral students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics manipulate genre

Raffaella Negretti, Lisa McGrath
English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 60 (October), p. 26-39
Journal article

Scaffolding L2 academic reading and self-regulation through task and feedback

Lisa McGrath, Raffaella Negretti, Špela Mežek et al
Other conference contribution

Hidden expectations: scaffolding subject specialists’ genre knowledge of the assignments they set

Lisa McGrath, Raffaella Negretti, Karen Nicholls
Higher Education. Vol. 78 (5), p. 835-853
Journal article

Participatory appropriation as a pathway to self-regulation in academic writing: The case of three BA essay writers in literature

Raffaella Negretti, Špela Mežek
Journal of Writing Research. Vol. 11 (1), p. 1-40
Journal article

Scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognition: insights from an L2 doctoral research writing course

Raffaella Negretti, Lisa McGrath
Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol. 40 (June 2018), p. 12-31
Journal article

Calibrating Genre: Metacognitive Judgments and Rhetorical Effectiveness in Academic Writing by L2 Graduate Students

Raffaella Negretti
Applied Linguistics. Vol. 38 (4), p. 512-539
Journal article

Visualizing genre knowledge: metacognitive scaffolds in the L2 writing for research classroom.

Raffaella Negretti, Lisa McGrath
Other conference contribution

Contextualized Writing Pedagogy for Genre Awareness in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities in STEM Education, WAC, and WID

Fia Christina Börjeson, Carl Johan Carlsson, Raffaella Negretti
Other conference contribution

Genre analysis and its role in the writing for research process: insights from a study on scientific publication in English

Raffaella Negretti
Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting, 2017
Other conference contribution

Visualizations of genre as a pedagogical tool in the PhD 'writing-for-research' classroom

Raffaella Negretti, Lisa McGrath
National Forum of English for Academic Purposes
Other conference contribution

Graduate students’ genre knowledge and perceived disciplinary practices: Creating a research space across disciplines

Maria Kuteeva, Raffaella Negretti
English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 41, p. 36-49
Journal article

Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of genre goals: self-regulation and performance of students writing a BA essay in literature

Raffaella Negretti
Language Policy and Language Acquisition conference, Lund University
Other conference contribution

“Lunch Keeps People Apart”: The Role of English for Social Interaction in a Multilingual Academic Workplace

Raffaella Negretti, Miguel Garcia-Yeste
Multilingua. Vol. Volume 34 (Issue 1), p. 93-118
Journal article

Publishing in English: Experiences of Italian humanities scholars living and writing abroad

Raffaella Negretti
3rd International PRISEAL Conference (Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language)
Other conference contribution

Metacognitive Judgments and Rhetorical Effectiveness in Writing by Graduate Learners of Academic English

Raffaella Negretti
International conference on writing, European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, Writing SIG. Vol. Aug. 27-29
Conference poster

Looking back from the centre: Experiences and perspectives of Italian academic living/working abroad

Raffaella Negretti
K. Bennett (Ed.), The Semi-Periphery of Academic Writing: discourses, communities and practices, p. 148-162
Book chapter

Academic communication in a digital age: Poster proceedings of the 2014 Languages for Specific Purposes Conference

Miguel Garcia-Yeste, Raffaella Negretti, Spela Mezek
Department of English/Centre for Academic English, Stockholm University , 2014, p. 18-

"Lunch keeps people apart": Social interaction in a multilingual workplace

Raffaella Negretti, Miguel Garcia-Yeste
English in Europe conference, Prague. Vol. March 22-23
Other conference contribution

Small talk in an international academic workplace: the role of English in the establishment of interpersonal relationships

Raffaella Negretti, Miguel Garcia-Yeste
Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction conference, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct. 2-5, 2013
Other conference contribution

The qualitative nature of metacognitive judgments and the rhetorical effectiveness of writing by L2 graduate students.

Raffaella Negretti
EARLI SIG Conference on Metacognition, Milan, Sept.5-8
Other conference contribution

Metacognition in student academic writing

Raffaella Negretti
EARLI SIG Conference on Metacognition, Milan, Sept.5-8
Other conference contribution

Metacognition and Genre Awareness in L2 Academic Reading and Writing

Raffaella Negretti
American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. New Orleans (USA), April 8-12, 2011
Other conference contribution

Pathos and metaphor in English academic discourse: Graduate students' response to uses of rhetoric in the introductions to published articles.

Raffaella Negretti
The Stockholm Metaphor Festival, Stockholm, Sept. 8-10, 2011
Other conference contribution

What works in LSP: the GAME project

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Kuteeva
Language for Specific Purposes Symposium, Västerås, Sweden, Jan 2011.
Other conference contribution

Issues of epistemology, ontology, and disciplinary discourse in the introductions to academic articles: EAL graduate students’ perspectives

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Kuteeva
2nd International PRISEAL Conference (Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language), Katowice, Poland, June 9-11, 2011
Other conference contribution

Fostering metacognitive genre awareness in L2 academic reading and writing: A case study of pre-service English teachers

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Kuteeva
Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol. 20, p. 95-110
Journal article

Internet and Research Methodologies for SLA

Raffaella Negretti
In C. Gagliardi (Ed.), Quality and quantity in English language research: Some issues (Vol. 11), p. 175-198
Book chapter

A conversational analysis approach to Internet Interaction for ESL learners

Raffaella Negretti
5th CercleS International Conference, Integration Through Innovation – The Challenge Facing Language Centers in Europe, Conference proceedings, p. 128-144
Paper in proceeding

Web based activities and SLA: a conversation analysis approach

Raffaella Negretti
Language Learning and Technology. Vol. 3 (1), p. 75-87
Journal article

Authoring for language education on the Internet

Raffaella Negretti
Authoring for Internet education: Products, experiences, proposals. Conference proceedings. Pescara, Italy: Libreria Dell’Università Editrice
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 5 research projects


Designing and improving a micro-curriculum on Critical Generative AI Literacy for doctoral students

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Sindija Franzetti Language and Communication
Wanyu Ou Language and Communication
Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Baraa Khuder Language and Communication

3 publications exist

Doctoral education at the intersection between academia and the profession in Europe: towards innovative pedagogies of writing

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Riksbankens jubileumsfond

2 publications exist

Writing for and beyond the academy: An exploration of multi-genre pedagogy

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Sheffield Hallam University

3 publications exist

Scientific communication and metacognition: Thinking outside the box

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Carina Sjöberg Hawke Language and Communication
Maria Cervin-Ellqvist Language and Communication
Stina Johansson Research support, bibliometrics and ranking
Maria Persson Language and Communication
The Chalmers University Foundation
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence
Birgit och Gad Rausing Foundation for research in the humanities

7 publications exist

Writing that works: investigating university students’ transfer of writing skills to authentic academic tasks

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Åke Wibergs Stiftelse
Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse

8 publications exist
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