Raffaella Negretti
I am professor of educational psychology and applied linguistics at Chalmers University of Technology, department of Communication and Learning in Science. The focus of my work is on academic writing, writing for research purposes, genre pedagogy, higher education (HE) learning and development, and self-regulation/metacognition. I am interested in how students become expert writers and learners in their disciplines, and I investigate how writing stimulates cognitive development, critical thinking, and creativity. I am also interested in qualitative research methodology and research ethics. My articles can be found OA on Chalmers' institutional repository, Research.chalmers.se, and have been published in journals such as Written Communication, Journal of Second Language Writing, English for Specific Purposes Journal (ESPJ), Applied Linguistics, and Higher Education, among others. I am a member of various professional associations including EARLI (SIG writing and SIG metacognition), AAAL, EATAW and AERA, and I currently serve as associate editor for the Journal of Second Language Writing.

Showing 69 publications
Educating doctoral writers at the intersection of industry and academia
Learning to write in the era of AI: Hazards and possibilities
Sharing the knowledge: training doctoral students to write beyond academia
Beyond academic writing: task development with hybrid genres in a doctoral course
Social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary groupwork
Developing a Micro-Curriculum for Critical AI Literacy in a PhD-Level Academic Writing Course
Conceptualising and cultivating Critical GAI Literacy in doctoral academic writing
Embedding students’ academic writing development in early-career disciplinary lecturers’ practice
Chat GPT – hjälp eller hinder?
Using Narratives to Document Social Regulation of Learning in Interdisciplinary Groupwork
Introduction to the special issue: Innovation in L2 writing task design
Tracking social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary group work
Practices and experiences of science communication: what scientists write beyond academia
Metacognition in Academic Writing: Learning Dimensions
Scientific communication beyond academia: writing practices and scientists’ experiences
Akademiska uppdrag måste förenas med hållbart arbetsliv
Scaffolding L2 Academic Reading and Self‐Regulation Through Task and Feedback
Metacognitive convergences in research writing
Förstärkt fysiklärande med hjälp av laborationslogg
Exploring and supporting metacognitive awareness and disciplinary literacy during laboratory work
Glöm inte forskningen när doktoranderna lär sig kommunicera
Scaffolding L2 academic reading and self-regulation through task and feedback
Hidden expectations: scaffolding subject specialists’ genre knowledge of the assignments they set
Scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognition: insights from an L2 doctoral research writing course
Writing at work: Transfer of genre knowledge to research writing in the medical field
Visualizing genre knowledge: metacognitive scaffolds in the L2 writing for research classroom.
Visualizations of genre as a pedagogical tool in the PhD 'writing-for-research' classroom
Publishing in English: Experiences of Italian humanities scholars living and writing abroad
Looking back from the centre: Experiences and perspectives of Italian academic living/working abroad
"Lunch keeps people apart": Social interaction in a multilingual workplace
Metacognition in student academic writing
Metacognition and Genre Awareness in L2 Academic Reading and Writing
What works in LSP: the GAME project
Internet and Research Methodologies for SLA
A conversational analysis approach to Internet Interaction for ESL learners
Web based activities and SLA: a conversation analysis approach
Authoring for language education on the Internet
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Showing 5 research projects
Designing and improving a micro-curriculum on Critical Generative AI Literacy for doctoral students
Writing for and beyond the academy: An exploration of multi-genre pedagogy
Scientific communication and metacognition: Thinking outside the box