European Solar Thermal Technology Platform
Other conference contribution, 2007

A large part of the net energy demand in EU25 is used for heat in the temperature range up to 250°C and can be covered by solar thermal energy. Solar thermal energy is a mature technology with a large technical potential, but only a few market segments are developed. The European industry and the R&D sector has introduced a number of interesting technological developments in recent years, but there must be a higher priority for solar thermal in FP7 and national energy strategies and R&D on solar thermal technologies have to increase to enhance the development. In Spring 2005 experts from the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) and EUREC Agency initiated the development of the Solar Thermal Technology Platform[1] (ESTTP) and drafted the first version of the Solar Thermal Vision 2030. The official launch of the platform took place on 30 May 2006 with EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs as one of the speakers. A steering committee is formed and the present work comprises three Focus groups (FG) with a number of Working groups (WG) with the task to develop strategies in their respective fields of applications. It is further the intention to develop national mirror groups to assist in the development of the Solar Thermal Vision 2030. The Focus groups are: o Solar thermal systems for buildings (heating and cooling) o Solar thermal systems for industrial applications o Solar thermal deployment, strategies and scenarios One of the working groups is initiated by a preliminary Nordic mirror group and deals with Solar district heating in co-operation with Euroheat & Power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] The European Commission has - as part of the “Lisbon Strategy” - come up with the idea to implement Technology platforms (TP) involving industry, R&D-Sectors, as well as policy makers from all over the EU, to create the technological leadership of the European industry. Today there exist more then 30 technology platforms on different topics.




Jan-Olof Dalenbäck

Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Building Services Engineering

NorthSun 2007 Conference Proceedings

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified

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