Jan-Olof Dalenbäck
Jan-Olof Dalenbäcks R&D focus is on reduced use of energy in buildings and other spaces that have demands on a certain climate and/or activity. His special topics are solar energy applications and energy efficiency. He is profile leader in Energy Area of Advance och participates as expert and advisor in different national and international, academic and industry, groupings. He got IEA SHC Solar Award 2005 and ISES Special Service Award 2009.

Showing 157 publications
Techno-economics of solar re-powering and retro-fitting an existing district heating network
Vehicle cabin air quality – influence of air recirculation on energy use, particles and CO2
Size-resolved simulation of particulate matters and CO2 concentration in passenger vehicle cabins
Measured and perceived IEQ under different ventilation strategies in Swedish classrooms
Flow rate optimization in run-around heat recovery systems
Ventilation strategies and indoor air quality in Swedish primary school classrooms
District Cooling – assessment of price models supporting the efficiency
District cooling substation design and control to achieve high return temperatures
A performance assessment method for district cooling substations based on operational data
Economic Analysis of Heat Distribution Concepts for a Small Solar District Heating System
Låg luftfuktighet i svenska bostäder – ett problem?
Energy Renovation Strategies for Office Buildings using Direct Ground Cooling Systems
A study on the relationship between energy performance and IEQ parameters in school buildings
Field test of active night cooling supplied by district cooling in three commercial buildings
Cooling of office buildings in cold climates using direct ground-coupled active chilled beams
Modelling of rooms with active chilled beams
Performance evaluation of a direct ground-coupled self-regulating active chilled beam system
Chilled water temperature control of self-regulating active chilled beams
Analysis of operational data from a district cooling system and its connected buildings
A service-life cycle approach to maintenance and energy retrofit planning for building portfolios
Some aspects of controlling radiant and convective cooling systems
Time to Question the Low Temperatures in District Cooling Systems
Optimizing the Life Cycle Costs of Building Components with Regard to Energy Renovation
Techno-economic analysis of solar options for a block-heating system
Indoor Temperature Variations in Swedish Households: Implications for Thermal Comfort
Skolbarn har det för varmt på jobbet
Dynamic Thermal Performance and Controllability of Fan Coil Systems
Simulations of a solar-assisted block-heating system
Profitability of Solar Photovoltaic Rooftop Systems in Buildings with Medium Sized Loads
A thermal model of an active chilled beam
Heat source shifting in buildings supplied by district heating and exhaust air heat pump
Integration of solar thermal systems into existing district heating systems
Integration of solar thermal systems in existing district heating systems
Survey of radiator temperatures in buildings supplied by district heating
Potential energy consumption reduction of automotive climate control systems
Reduction of Energy Used for Vehicle Interior Climate
Heat exchanger design aspects related to noise in heat pump applications
Induction ratio of active chilled beams - Measurement methods and influencing parameters
Reversing air-source heat pumps - Noise at defrost initiation and a noise reducing strategy
Energideklarationerna behöver kvalitetssäkras
A methodology for energy use evaluation in complex buildings - Applied in a shopping mall case study
Energy efficient climate control in office buildings without giving up implementability
Simulation of Energy Used for Vehicle Interior Climate
330 GW solvärme och 140 GW solkraft – är det mycket eller lite ?
Viktigt att samarbeta och sprida kunskap
Alternative strategies for supply air temperature control in office buildings
Ställ tekniska egenskapskrav och använd deklarationerna
Snart har tåget gått för de svenska aktörerna
Det behövs en nationell databas för solcellsanläggningar
Inför primärenergifaktorer i byggreglerna
Measurements of Energy Used for Vehicle Interior Climate
CO2 sensors for occupancy estimations: Potential in building automation applications
Ökat intresse för solfjärrvärme i Europa
BAPV and BIPV Installation Trends in Sweden
Vi vill ha en plan, inte fler kafferaster!
Det är skillnad på skatt och skatt
Solar District Heating and Cooling
Solenergi - en självskriven del i framtidens lågenergibyggnader
Nettodebitering stärker elkunderna!
Dags att ompröva BBR:s krav på energianvändning?
Någon gång ska väl poletten ramla ner
An emerging option: Grid-Connected Solar Heat
Teknikplattform bildad för förnybar energi, värme och kyla
Thermal and mechanical performance of sealed, gas-filled, flat plate solar collectors
Movement and mechanical stresses in sealed, flat plate solar collectors
Ny stadsdel med 40 procent solenergi i Kungsbacka
Mer solvärme i danska fjärrvärmesystem
Mer solenergi med nära-noll-energihus?
Förväntansfullt årsmöte i Svensk Solenergi
Förnybar energi ökade 60 procent på tre år
Möjligt med allt förnybart till 2050
Boom för solvärme i danska fjärrvärmesystem
Varför ställa solceller mot energieffektivisering
Gemensam syn behövs för bättre verkningsgrad
Comparison of five approaches to solar assisted cooling
Nationellt mål behövs för solenergi
Thermal performance of gas-filled flat plate solar collectors
Swedish Solar Thermal Market Development: Results and experiences up to 2008
Energieffektiv bebyggelse och fjärrvärme i framtiden
Prospects to reduce the use of energy by 50% in existing office buildings
Prognosstyrning - Ser inte skogen för alla träd
Prospects for Solar District Heating in Europe
Harnessing Solar for District Energy: Europe leading the way
Is there a role for district heating in future cities with low energy buildings?
Movements and mechanical stresses in gas-filled flat plate solar collectors
Application and Design of Large-scale Solar Heating Systems in Europe
Large-scale Solar Heating and Cooling Systems in Europe
Thermal Losses in Sealed, Gas-filled Flat Plate Solar Collectors
European Solar Thermal Technology Platform
Solar District Heating and Cooling
Fjärrvärmens roll i ett samhälle med energieffektiv bebyggelse
Prospects for Large-Scale Solar Heating Systems in Europe
Preliminary Analysis of a Solar Heat Pump System with Seasonal Storage
Tjugo missade år - Ställ krav på befintliga hus !
Solar buildings in Gardsten - A holistic approach including roof module collectors
Energi- och elanvändning i byggnader
Bestående renovering av bostadsområde i Göteborg.
Solar heating using roof module collectors - Examples from new and existing building areas
Solar Thermal Market Development in Europe
Solvärme - En svensk exportframgång ? Solvärme och solel i ett internationellt perspektiv
Solar Thermal Market Development in Europe
Sänkta driftkostnader betalar merkostnader i Solhus. Bakgrund ? Åtgärder - Resultat
Solar heated residential area Anneberg - Initial evaluation
Renovering av flerbostadshus-Gårdsten
Åtgärder för ökad energieffektivsering i bebyggelse
Solvärmeteknikens status och möjligheter till ökat genomslag
Hållbar upprustning - Exemplifierat med Gårdsten
Solar Thermal Market Development in Europe
Erfarenheter från energieffektivisering i ett miljonprogramsområde
Solar renovation project Gårdsten, Göteborg - Operational experiences 2001-2004
Solar heating ? Swedish Experience ? Large-scale Solar Heating
Solar heated residential area Anneberg - Initial evaluation
Large-scale Solar Heating in Europe
Swedish SDHW System Procurement Competition-Description and Experiences
Solar Renovation Project Gårdsten, Göteborg-Evaluation Results
Storskalig solvärmeteknik i Sverige : systemuppbyggnad och dimensionering
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Showing 28 research projects
Ventilation in energy efficient multi-family buildings - part 2
Planning support for energy renovation of existing multifamily buildings - III
Energy performance and indoor environment quality in school buildings
Drivers of heating patterns and their impact on residential energy use
Development and test of a quota obligation scheme with a focus on power reduction (Casablanca)
Svenska långtidsmätningar av prestanda hos större geoenergisystem
Energieffektiva lufkvalitetsystem för fordon
Ways to Improving Indoor Environmental Quality in Swedish Schools
Human occupants in the built environment, indoor air chemistry and ventilation strategies
Development and test of a quota obligation scheme with a focus on power reduction (Casablanca)
Planning support for energy renovation of existing multifamily buildings - II
Opportunities and restrictions for own use of PV electricity i Västra Gårdsten
Comparison of control strategies for heating systems in multifamily buildings based on measurements
Uppföljning av anläggningar med behovsstyrd ventilation, DCV
Towards improved compliance and quality of the works for better performing buildings
National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Integrated Sustainable Renovation (SIRen)
Testbädd för nya solenergilösningar med fokus på teknik- och affärsutveckling
Planning support for energy renovation of existing multifamily buildings
Bioenergy and solar heat for 100% renewable heat supply
Self-Regulating Active Chilled Beams