Mapping the PAHs and H2 in ρ Oph A
Other conference contribution, 2008

We present an ISOCAM-CVF map of the ρ Oph A region, covering 3′ × 3′. For each 6 arcsec2 pixel, we extract the spectrum from 5–15 μm. We determine the fluxes of the main PAH features by fitting Lorentzian profiles to the spectrum. The peaks of the various PAH components correspond well with the known positions of the PDRs in this vicinity. The spectrum in several pixels exhibits strong rotational lines of molecular hydrogen which can be used to derive the physical properties of the cloud. The H2 emission traces the hot gas of the bipolar CO outflow from VLA1623.

Molecular processes

ISM: jets and outflows

ISM: clouds

Stars: formation


Kay Justtanont

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics

René Liseau

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics

B. Larsson

in Proceedings of "Organic Matter in Space", Hong Kong Feb.18-22, 2008, IAU symposium 251, eds. S. Kwok, S. Sandfjord, Cambridge University Press

9780521889827 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology



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