René Liseau
In 2008, René Liseau came to Chalmers from Stockholm University, where he held the professorship in Astronomical Space Research. Being the professor of Radio Astronomy his workplace is located at Onsala Space Observatory. However, his research is not limited to one spectral domain but exploits data obtained over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Major interests include the physics of the Interstellar Medium and of star and planet formation. His main goal is the realization of a space mission that searches for Life outside the solar system, conceptually known as Darwin/TPF.

Showing 121 publications
The far reaches of the β Pictoris debris disk
Exocomets: A spectroscopic survey
Upper limits on the water vapour content of the beta Pictoris debris disk
Space-based infrared interferometry to study exoplanetary atmospheres
ALMA Resolves C i Emission from the β Pictoris Debris Disk
The co-existence of hot and cold gas in debris discs
Future exoplanet space missions: Spectroscopy and coronographic imaging
Gas and dust in the star-forming region rho Oph A II. The gas in the PDR and in the dense cores
Herschel detects oxygen in the ? Pictoris debris disk
Disk Dispersal: Theoretical Understanding and Observational Constraints
Incidence of debris discs around FGK stars in the solar neighbourhood
ALMA observations of α Centauri. First detection of main-sequence stars at 3 mm wavelength
Water distribution in shocked regions of the NGC 1333-IRAS 4A protostellar outflow
Potential multi-component structure of the debris disk around HIP 17439 revealed by Herschel/DUNES
First spectrally-resolved H-2 observations towards HH 54 Low H2O abundance in shocks
Herschel/HIFI observations of ionised carbon in the beta Pictoris debris disk
Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH)
Extreme Conditions in a Close Analog to the Young Solar System: Herschel Observations of ∈ Eridani
The chromosphere of α Cen A as seen by the herschel space observatory
CHEOPS: A transit photometry mission for ESA's small mission programme
The Science of Exoplanets and Their Systems
Physical properties of outflows Comparing CO- and H2O-based parameters in Class 0 sources
DUst around NEarby Stars. The survey observational results
Deep observations of O-2 toward a low-mass protostar with Herschel-HIFI
High-pressure, low-abundance water in bipolar outflows Results from a Herschel-WISH survey
GASPS-A Herschel Survey of Gas and Dust in Protoplanetary Disks: Summary and Initial Statistics
Herschel-PACS observations of shocked gas associated with the jets of L1448 and L1157
Mapping water in protostellar outflows with Herschel PACS and HIFI observations of L1448-C
Herschel observations of the debris disc around HIP 92043
Multi-line detection of O2 toward rho Ophiuchi A
Comet-like mineralogy of olivine crystals in an extrasolar proto-Kuiper belt
Herschel images of Fomalhaut An extrasolar Kuiper belt at the height of its dynamical activity
VLT imaging of the beta Pictoris gas disk
Water emission from the chemically rich outflow L1157
A peculiar class of debris disks from Herschel/DUNES - A steep fall off in the far infrared
The Herschel HIFI water line survey in the low-mass proto-stellar outflow L1448
A Herschel resolved far-infrared dust ring around HD 207129
Herschel Measurements of Molecular Oxygen in Orion
Detection of interstellar hydrogen peroxide
Deuterated formaldehyde in rho Ophiuchi A
Herschel discovery of a new class of cold, faint debris discs
Herschel observations of the Herbig-Haro objects HH52-54
Deciphering Spectral Fingerprints of Habitable Exoplanets
Origin of the hot gas in low-mass protostars Herschel-PACS spectroscopy of HH 46
Hydrides in young stellar objects: Radiation tracers in a protostar-disk-outflow system
The Vega debris disc: A view from Herschel
Herschel spectral surveys of star-forming regions. Overview of the 555-636 GHz range
Water vapor toward starless cores: The Herschel view
Gas in the protoplanetary disc of HD 169142: Herschel's view
Water in massive star-forming regions: HIFI observations of W3 IRS5
Water in low-mass star-forming regions with Herschel. HIFI spectroscopy of NGC 1333
Origin and Formation of Planetary Systems
Dynamical Habitability of Planetary Systems
Herschel-PACS spectroscopy of the intermediate mass protostar NGC 7129 FIRS 2
O(18)O and C(18)O observations of rho Ophiuchi A
Geophysical and Atmospheric Evolution of Habitable Planets
The Search for Worlds Like Our Own
Herschel/HIFI discovery of interstellar chloronium (H2Cl+)
Stellar Aspects of Habitability-Characterizing Target Stars for Terrestrial Planet-Finding Missions
Origin and Evolution of Life on Terrestrial Planets
Kuiper belts around nearby stars
Sensitive limits on the abundance of cold water vapor in the DM Tauri protoplanetary disk
Water abundance variations around high-mass protostars: HIFI observations of the DR21 region
Co-Evolution of Atmospheres, Life, and Climate
The beta Pictoris disk imaged by Herschel PACS and SPIRE
Water abundances in high-mass protostellar envelopes: Herschel observations with HIFI
Herschel observations of the hydroxyl radical (OH) in young stellar objects
A Roadmap for the Detection and Characterization of Other Earths
Herschel observations of deuterated water towards Sgr B2(M)
Herschel-PACS observation of the 10 Myr old T Tauri disk TW Hya Constraining the disk gas mass
GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS) I. First results
Water cooling of shocks in protostellar outflows Herschel-PACS map of L1157
The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI)
Detection of OH+ and H2O+ towards Orion KL
Herschel/HIFI spectroscopy of the intermediate mass protostar NGC 7129 FIRS 2
Herschel/HIFI observations of high-J CO lines in the NGC 1333 low-mass star-forming region
The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization
Variations in H2O+/H2O ratios toward massive star-forming regions
Darwin in the Context of Cosmic Vision 2015-2025
Darwin - a mission to detect and search for life on extrasolar planets
Technology for a Mid-IR flagship mission to characterize earth-like exoplanets
A submillimetre search for cold extended debris disks in the β Pictoris moving group
Millimetron—a large Russian-European submillimeter space observatory
Oxygen in dense interstellar gas : the oxygen abundance of the star forming core ρ Ophiuchi A
The nearest X-ray emitting protostellar jet observed with HST
Darwin - an experimental astronomy mission to search for extrasolar planets
Odin observations of water in molecular outflows and shocks
q1 Eridani: a solar-type star with a planet and a dust belt
The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI): instrument and pre-launch testing
Mapping the PAHs and H2 in ρ Oph A
The nearest X-ray emitting protostellar jet (HH 154) observed with Hubble
Molecular oxygen in the p Ophiuchi cloud
Methanol in the L1551 Circumbinary Torus
Odin water mapping in the Orion KL region
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Showing 3 research projects
From the beginning to the end of planetary systems: their birth, life and death
Phases of star and planet formation: infall, outflow and disc evolution
Key-Programmes with Herschel. The circle of Stellar life