Risks in Decision making –Learning from the Brent Spar Case
Paper in proceeding, 2008

Decision making is an important element in managers’ work. Despite the importance it happens that decision makers do not pay enough attention to some important factors. A decision which seems to be right might face considerable risk due to its sensitivity to other factors. One way to avoid such a situation is learning from historical cases. This paper is focused on Shell Brent Spar case and the decisions leading up to its disposal. The aim of the study is to analyse and assess interactions of different actors which are involved by means of risk assessment to identify the main influencing factors affecting the failure of the decision. The results show that different moral grounds of the actors, poor communication of Shell with the society, and being distracted by economic benefits were the most important influencing factors affecting the decision.

Keywords – Decision making

risk assessment

human error


Mohammad Shahriari

Chalmers, Product and Production Development, Production Systems

Roland Örtengren

Chalmers, Product and Production Development, Production Systems

Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE- International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

IEEE Catalog Number: CFP08IEI-CDR 1304-1308
978-1-4244-2630-0 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics



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