Solidification Cracking of Alloy Allvac 718Plus and Alloy 718 at Transvarestraint Testing
Other conference contribution, 2008
Allvac 718Plus is a newly developed superalloy with a good potential for use in fabricated
aircraft engine structures when service temperatures exceed 650°C; the limit for standard alloy
718. Fabrication involves welding, where cracking usually is a prohibitive factor. Comparison of
the solidification cracking behavior between these two alloys was made by Transvarestraint
testing. It was shown that the total amount of cracking was significantly lower for 718Plus alloy,
which was associated with a lower amount of γ/Laves or γ/NbC eutectic-type constituents. This
in turn is believed to be due to the lower iron content of the Allvac 718Plus material. The
analysis of alloying element segregation both within primary dendrite and interdendritic
constituents clearly indicates that the segregation of Nb is the controlling factor in determining
the final solidification microstructure in these alloys. The Nb concentrations of these constituents
are significantly higher compared to the bulk alloy concentration. This was confirmed by the
SEM-EDS analysis and calculations assessed with JMatPro, the latter also indicated that alloy
718 is more prone to form Laves and NbC eutectic-type constituents compared to Allvac 718Plus
Transvarestraint testing
Allvac 718Plus
Alloy 718
Solidification cracking