Runaway electron beam control
Journal article, 2019
plasma control system
magnetic confinement
F. Bombarda
L. Calacci
University of Rome Tor Vergata
F. Cordella
G. Ferrò
University of Rome Tor Vergata
A. Gabrielli
University of Rome Tor Vergata
A. Havranek
Czech Academy of Sciences
A. Lier
Max Planck Society
E. Macusova
Czech Academy of Sciences
F. Martinelli
University of Rome Tor Vergata
M. Passeri
University of Rome Tor Vergata
C. Possieri
University of Rome Tor Vergata
B. Tilia
F. Bagnato
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
B. Angelini
M.L. Apicella
G. Artaserse
Emilia Barbato
A. Bertocchi
S. Briguglio
Alessandro Bruschi
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
C. Centioli
S. Cirant
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
R. de Angelis
D. Farina
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
G. Fogaccia
V. Fusco
G. Grossetti
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
G. Grosso
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
F. Iannone
H. Kroegler
M. Lontano
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
G. Maddaluno
G. Mazzitelli
A. Milovanov
F.C. Mirizzi
G.A. Moro
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
L. Panaccione
University of Naples Federico II
M. Panella
S. Podda
Pizzuto A.A. Romano
A. Tuccillo
E. Vitale
G. Vlad
S. Almaviva
G. Canal
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
L. Caneve
F. Colao
F. Crescenzi
R. Fantoni
L. Federspiel
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
L. Jakubowski
National Centre for Nuclear Research
I. Lyublinski
JSC Red Star
K. Malinowski
National Centre for Nuclear Research
D. Minelli
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
D. Minelli
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
M. Mosconi
Polytechnic University of Milan
M. Rabinski
National Centre for Nuclear Research
M. Reale
D. Ricci
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
J. Rossel
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
M.J. Sadowski
National Centre for Nuclear Research
M. Sassano
University of Rome Tor Vergata
A. Vertkov
JSC Red Star
J. Zebrowski
National Centre for Nuclear Research
H.F. Meyer
Culham Science Centre
T. Eich
Max Planck Society
M. N. A. Beurskens
Culham Science Centre
S. Coda
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
A.H. Hakola
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
P. Martin
Consorzio Rfx
J. Adamek
Czech Academy of Sciences
M. Agostini
Consorzio Rfx
D. Aguiam
Instituto Superior Tecnico
J. H. Ahn
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
L. Aho-Mantila
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
R. Akers
Culham Science Centre
R. Albanese
University of Naples Federico II
R. Aledda
University of Cagliari
E. Alessi
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
S.Y. Allan
Culham Science Centre
D. Alves
Instituto Superior Tecnico
R. Ambrosino
University Parthenope
L. Amicucci
H. Anand
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
G. Anastassiou
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Y. Andrebe
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
C. Angioni
Max Planck Society
G. Apruzzese
M. Ariola
University Parthenope
H. Arnichand
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
W. Arter
Culham Science Centre
A. Baciero
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
M. Barnes
University of Oxford
L. Barrera
EUROfusion PMU
R. Behn
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
A. Bencze
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
J. Bernardo
Instituto Superior Tecnico
M. Bernert
Max Planck Society
P. Bettini
Consorzio Rfx
P. Bílková
Czech Academy of Sciences
W. Bin
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
G. Birkenmeier
Max Planck Society
J. P. S. Bizarro
Instituto Superior Tecnico
P. Blanchard
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
T.C. Blanken
Eindhoven University of Technology
M. Bluteau
University of Strathclyde
V. Bobkov
Max Planck Society
O. Bogar
Czech Academy of Sciences
P. Bohm
Czech Academy of Sciences
T. Bolzonella
Consorzio Rfx
L. Boncagni
A. Botrugno
C. Bottereau
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
F. Bouquey
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C Bourdelle
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Bremond
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Brezinsek
Forschungszentrum Jülich
D. Brida
Max Planck Society
F. Brochard
University of Lorraine
J. Buchanan
Culham Science Centre
H. Bufferand
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
P. Buratti
P. Cahyna
Czech Academy of Sciences
G. Calabrò
Y. Camenen
Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moleculaires
R. Caniello
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
B. Cannas
University of Cagliari
A. Canton
Consorzio Rfx
A. Cardinali
D. Carnevale
University of Rome Tor Vergata
M. Carr
Culham Science Centre
D. Carralero
Max Planck Society
P. Carvalho
Instituto Superior Tecnico
L. Casali
Max Planck Society
C. Castaldo
F. Castejón
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
R. Castro
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
F. Causa
R. Cavazzana
Consorzio Rfx
M. Cavedon
Max Planck Society
M. Cecconello
Uppsala University
S. Ceccuzzi
R. Cesario
C. Challis
Culham Science Centre
I.T. Chapman
Culham Science Centre
S.C. Chapman
The University of Warwick
M. Chernyshova
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
D. Choi
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
C. Cianfarani
G. Ciraolo
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
J. Citrin
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
F. Clairet
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
I. Classen
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
R. Coelho
Instituto Superior Tecnico
J.W. Coenen
Forschungszentrum Jülich
L. Colas
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
G.D. Conway
Max Planck Society
Y. Corre
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Costea
University of Innsbruck
F. Crisanti
N. Cruz
Instituto Superior Tecnico
G. Cseh
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
A. Czarnecka
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
O. D'Arcangelo
M. De Angeli
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
G. De Masi
Consorzio Rfx
G. De Temmerman
ITER Organization
G. De Tommasi
University of Naples Federico II
J. Decker
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
R. Delogu
Consorzio Rfx
R.O. Dendy
Culham Science Centre
P. Denner
Forschungszentrum Jülich
C. Di Troia
M. Dimitrova
Czech Academy of Sciences
R. D'Inca
Max Planck Society
V. Dorić
University of Split
D. Douai
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
A. Drenik
Jozef Stefan Institute
Benjamin Dudson
University of York
Dániel Dunai
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M. Dunne
Max Planck Society
B. Duval
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
Luke Easy
Culham Science Centre
S.D. Elmore
Culham Science Centre
Boglarka Erdos
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
B. Esposito
E. Fable
Max Planck Society
M. Faitsch
Max Planck Society
A. Fanni
University of Cagliari
N. Fedorczak
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
F Felici
Eindhoven University of Technology
J. Ferreira
Instituto Superior Tecnico
O. Février
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
O. Ficker
Czech Academy of Sciences
S. Fietz
Max Planck Society
L. Figini
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
A.C.A. Figueiredo
Instituto Superior Tecnico
A. Fil
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
G.M. Fishpool
Culham Science Centre
M. Fitzgerald
Culham Science Centre
M. Fontana
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
O. Ford
Max Planck Society
L. Frassinetti
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
R. Fridström
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
D. Frigione
G. Fuchert
Max Planck Society
C. Fuchs
Max Planck Society
M. Furno Palumbo
Consorzio Rfx
S. Futatani
Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion
L. Gabellieri
K. Galazka
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
J. Galdon-Quiroga
University of Seville
S. Galeani
University of Rome Tor Vergata
D. Gallart
Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion
A. Gallo
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C. Galperti
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
Y. Gao
Forschungszentrum Jülich
S. Garavaglia
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
J. Garcia
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
A. Garcia-Carrasco
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
J. Garcia-Lopez
University of Seville
M. Garcia-Munoz
University of Seville
J.-L. Gardarein
Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moleculaires
Luca Garzotti
Culham Science Centre
J. Gaspar
Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moleculaires
E. Gauthier
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
P. Geelen
Eindhoven University of Technology
B. Geiger
Max Planck Society
P. Ghendrih
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
F. Ghezzi
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
L. Giacomelli
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
L. Giannone
Max Planck Society
E. Giovannozzi
C Giroud
Culham Science Centre
C. Gleason González
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
M. Gobbin
Consorzio Rfx
T. Goodman
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
G. Gorini
University of Milano-Bicocca
M. Gospodarczyk
University of Rome Tor Vergata
G. Granucci
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
M. Gruber
Max Planck Society
A. Gude
Max Planck Society
L. Guimarais
Instituto Superior Tecnico
R. Guirlet
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
J. Gunn
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
P. Hacek
Czech Academy of Sciences
S. Hacquin
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Hall
Culham Science Centre
C. Hamlyn-Harris
Culham Science Centre
T. Happel
Max Planck Society
J.R. Harrison
Culham Science Centre
D.M. Harting
Culham Science Centre
V. Hauer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
E. Havličková
Culham Science Centre
T. Hellsten
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
W. Helou
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S.S. Henderson
University of Strathclyde
P. Hennequin
École polytechnique
M.F. Heyn
Technische Universität Graz
Bogdan Hnat
University of Oxford
M. Hölzl
Royal Military Academy
G.M.D. Hogeweij
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
C. Honoré
École polytechnique
C. Hopf
Max Planck Society
J. Horáček
Czech Academy of Sciences
G. Hornung
Ghent university
L. Horváth
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Z. Huang
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
A. Huber
Forschungszentrum Jülich
J. Igitkhanov
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
V. Igochine
Max Planck Society
M. Imrišek
Czech Academy of Sciences
P. Innocente
Consorzio Rfx
C. Ionita Schrittwieser
University of Innsbruck
H. Isliker
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
I. Ivanova-Stanik
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
A.S. Jacobsen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
P. Jacquet
Culham Science Centre
M. Jakubowski
Max Planck Society
A. Jardin
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
F. Jaulmes
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
Frank Jenko
Max Planck Society
T. Jensen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
O. Jeppe Miki Busk
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
M. Jessen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
E. Joffrin
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
O. Jones
Culham Science Centre
T. Jonsson
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
A. Kallenbach
Max Planck Society
N. Kallinikos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
S. Kálvin
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
A. Kappatou
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
J. Karhunen
Aalto University
A. Karpushov
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
S. Kasilov
Technische Universität Graz
G. Kasprowicz
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
A. Kendl
University of Innsbruck
W. Kernbichler
Technische Universität Graz
D. Kim
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
A. Kirk
Culham Science Centre
S. Kjer
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
I. Klimek
Uppsala University
G. Kocsis
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
D. Kogut
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
M. Komm
Czech Academy of Sciences
S. B. Korsholm
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
H. R. Koslowski
Forschungszentrum Jülich
M. Koubiti
Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moleculaires
J. Kovacic
Jozef Stefan Institute
K. Kovarik
Czech Academy of Sciences
N. Krawczyk
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
J. Krbec
Czech Academy of Sciences
K. Krieger
Max Planck Society
A. Krivska
Royal Military Academy
R. Kube
University of Innsbruck
O. Kudlacek
Consorzio Rfx
Taina Kurki-Suonio
Aalto University
B. Labit
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
F. Laggner
Vienna University of Technology
L. Laguardia
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
A. Lahtinen
University of Helsinki
P. Lalousis
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)
P.T. Lang
Max Planck Society
Ph Lauber
Max Planck Society
N. Lazányi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
A. Lazaros
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
H.B. Le
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
A. Lebschy
Max Planck Society
J. Leddy
University of York
L. Lefévre
Grenoble Alpes University
M Lehnen
ITER Organization
F. Leipold
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
A. Lessig
Max Planck Society
M. Leyland
University of York
L. Li
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Y. Liang
Forschungszentrum Jülich
B. Lipschultz
University of York
Yueqiang Liu
Culham Science Centre
T. Loarer
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
A Loarte
ITER Organization
T. Loewenhoff
Forschungszentrum Jülich
B. Lomanowski
Durham University
V.P. Loschiavo
University of Naples Federico II
T. Lunt
Max Planck Society
I. Lupelli
Culham Science Centre
H. Lux
Culham Science Centre
A Lyssoivan
Royal Military Academy
J. Madsen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
P. Maget
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C. Maggi
Culham Science Centre
R. Maggiora
Polytechnic University of Turin
M.L. Magnussen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
J. Mailloux
Culham Science Centre
B. Maljaars
Eindhoven University of Technology
A. Malygin
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
P. Mantica
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
M. Mantsinen
Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion
Mark Maraschek
Max Planck Society
B. Marchand
University of Helsinki
N. Marconato
Consorzio Rfx
C. Marini
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
M. Marinucci
T. Markovič
Czech Academy of Sciences
D. Marocco
L. Marrelli
Consorzio Rfx
Y. Martin
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
J. R. Martìn-Solìs
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
A. Martitsch
Technische Universität Graz
S. Mastrostefano
Universita di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
M. Mattei
University of Naples Federico II
G. Matthews
Culham Science Centre
M. Mavridis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
M.L. Mayoral
Culham Science Centre
D. Mazon
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
P. McCarthy
University College Cork
R. McAdams
Culham Science Centre
G. McArdle
Culham Science Centre
P. McCarthy
University College Cork
K. McClements
Culham Science Centre
R. McDermott
Max Planck Society
B. McMillan
The University of Warwick
G. Meisl
Max Planck Society
A. Merle
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
O. Meyer
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
D. Milanesio
Polytechnic University of Turin
F. Militello
Culham Science Centre
I. Miron
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
K. Mitosinkova
Czech Academy of Sciences
J. Mlynar
Czech Academy of Sciences
A. Mlynek
Max Planck Society
D. Molina
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
P. Molina
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
I. Monakhov
Culham Science Centre
J. Morales
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
D. Moreau
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
P. Morel
École polytechnique
J.-M. Moret
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
A. Moro
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
D. Moulton
Culham Science Centre
H.W. Müller
Max Planck Society
F. Nabais
Instituto Superior Tecnico
E. Nardon
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
V Naulin
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
A. Nemes-Czopf
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
F. Nespoli
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
R. Neu
Max Planck Society
A.H. Nielsen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
S. K. Nielsen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
V. Nikolaeva
Instituto Superior Tecnico
S. Nimb
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
M. Nocente
University of Milano-Bicocca
R. Nouailletas
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Nowak
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
M. Oberkofler
Max Planck Society
Michael Oberparleiter
Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
R. Ochoukov
Max Planck Society
T. Odstrcil
Max Planck Society
J. Olsen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
John Omotani
Culham Science Centre
M.G. O'Mullane
University of Strathclyde
F. Orain
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
N. Osterman
Jozef Stefan Institute
R. Paccagnella
Consorzio Rfx
S.J.P. Pamela
Culham Science Centre
L. Pangione
Culham Science Centre
M. Panjan
Jozef Stefan Institute
Gergely Papp
Max Planck Society
R. Paprok
Czech Academy of Sciences
V.V. Parail
Culham Science Centre
F. I. Parra
University of Oxford
A. Pau
University of Cagliari
G Pautasso
Max Planck Society
S.-P. Pehkonen
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
A. Pereira
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
E. Perelli Cippo
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
V. Pericoli Ridolfini
University Parthenope
M. Peterka
Czech Academy of Sciences
P. Petersson
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
V. Petržilka
Czech Academy of Sciences
P. Piovesan
Consorzio Rfx
C. Piron
Consorzio Rfx
A. Pironti
University of Naples Federico II
F. Pisano
University of Cagliari
T. Pisokas
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
R. Pitts
ITER Organization
I. Ploumistakis
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)
V V Plyusnin
Instituto Superior Tecnico
G.I. Pokol
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
D. Poljak
University of Split
P. Pölöskei
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
Gábor Pór
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
L. Porte
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
S. Potzel
Max Planck Society
I. Predebon
Consorzio Rfx
M. Preynas
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
G. Primc
Jozef Stefan Institute
G. Pucella
M.E. Puiatti
Consorzio Rfx
Th. Pütterich
Max Planck Society
M. Rack
Forschungszentrum Jülich
G. Ramogida
C.J. Rapson
Max Planck Society
J. Rasmussen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
J. Rasmussen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
G. Rattá
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
S. Ratynskaia
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
G.L. Ravera
D. Refy
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M. Reich
Max Planck Society
H. Reimerdes
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
F. Reimold
Forschungszentrum Jülich
M. Reinke
University of York
D. Reiser
Forschungszentrum Jülich
M. Resnik
Jozef Stefan Institute
C Reux
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
D. Ripamonti
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
D. Rittich
Max Planck Society
G. Riva
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
M. Rodriguez-Ramos
University of Seville
V. Rohde
Max Planck Society
J. Rosato
École polytechnique
F. Ryter
Max Planck Society
S. Saarelma
Culham Science Centre
R. Sabot
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
F Saint-Laurent
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
M. Salewski
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
A. Salmi
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
D. Samaddar
Culham Science Centre
L. Sanchis-Sanchez
University of Seville
J. Santos
Instituto Superior Tecnico
O. Sauter
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
R. Scannell
Culham Science Centre
M. Scheffer
Eindhoven University of Technology
M. Schneider
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
B.S. Schneider
University of Innsbruck
P.A. Schneider
Max Planck Society
M. Schneller
Max Planck Society
R. Schrittwieser
University of Innsbruck
M. Schubert
Max Planck Society
Josef Schweinzer
Max Planck Society
J. Seidl
Czech Academy of Sciences
M. Sertoli
Max Planck Society
S. Šesnić
University of Split
A. Shabbir
Ghent university
A. Shalpegin
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
B. Shanahan
University of York
S. E. Sharapov
Culham Science Centre
U. Sheikh
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
G. Sias
University of Cagliari
B. Sieglin
Max Planck Society
C. Silva
Instituto Superior Tecnico
A. Silva
Instituto Superior Tecnico
M. Silva Fuglister
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
J. Simpson
Culham Science Centre
A. Snicker
Aalto University
C. Sommariva
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C. Sozzi
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
S. Spagnolo
Consorzio Rfx
G. Spizzo
Consorzio Rfx
M. Spolaore
Consorzio Rfx
T. Stange
Max Planck Society
M. Stejner Pedersen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
I. Stepanov
Ghent university
J. Stober
Max Planck Society
Pär Strand
Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
A. Šušnjara
University of Split
W. Suttrop
Max Planck Society
T. Szepesi
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
B. Tál
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
T. Tala
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
P. Tamain
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
G. Tardini
Max Planck Society
M. Tardocchi
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
A. Teplukhina
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
D. Terranova
Consorzio Rfx
D. Testa
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
C. Theiler
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
A.J. Thornton
Culham Science Centre
P. Tolias
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
L. Tophoj
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
W. Treutterer
Max Planck Society
G.L. Trevisan
Consorzio Rfx
M. Tripsky
Royal Military Academy
C. Tsironis
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
C.K. Tsui
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
O. Tudisco
A. Uccello
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
J. Urban
Czech Academy of Sciences
M. Valisa
Consorzio Rfx
P. Vallejos Olivares
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Martin Valovic
Culham Science Centre
H. Van Den Brand
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
B. Vanovac
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
S. Varoutis
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
S. Vartanian
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
J. Vega
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
Geert Verdoolaege
Ghent university
K. Verhaegh
University of York
L. Vermare
École polytechnique
N. Vianello
Consorzio Rfx
J. Vicente
Instituto Superior Tecnico
E. Viezzer
Max Planck Society
L. Vignitchouk
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
W.A.J. Vijvers
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
F. Villone
Universita di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
B. Viola
L. Vlahos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
I. Voitsekhovitch
Culham Science Centre
P. Vondráček
Czech Academy of Sciences
N.M.T. Vu
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
D. Wagner
Max Planck Society
N. R. Walkden
Culham Science Centre
N. Wang
Forschungszentrum Jülich
T Wauters
Royal Military Academy
M. Weiland
Max Planck Society
V. Weinzettl
Czech Academy of Sciences
E. Westerhof
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
M. Wiesenberger
University of Innsbruck
M. Willensdorfer
Max Planck Society
M. Wischmeier
Max Planck Society
I. Wodniak
Uppsala University
E. Wolfrum
Max Planck Society
D. Yadykin
Uppsala University
R. Zagórski
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
I. Zammuto
Max Planck Society
P. Zanca
Consorzio Rfx
R. Zaplotnik
Jozef Stefan Institute
P. Zestanakis
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
W. Zhang
Ghent university
S. Zoletnik
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M. Zuin
Consorzio Rfx
X. Litaudon
Culham Science Centre
S. Abduallev
Forschungszentrum Jülich
M. Abhangi
Institute for Plasma Research India
P. Abreu
Instituto Superior Tecnico
M. Afzal
Culham Science Centre
K.M. Aggarwal
Queen's University Belfast
T. Ahlgren
University of Helsinki
J.H. Ahn
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
N. Aiba
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
M. Airila
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
V. Aldred
Culham Science Centre
D. Alegre
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
P B Aleynikov
ITER Organization
A. Alfier
Consorzio Rfx
A. Alkseev
National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
M. Allinson
Culham Science Centre
B Alper
Culham Science Centre
E. Alves
Instituto Superior Tecnico
G. Ambrosino
University of Naples Federico II
V. Amosov
Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research
E. Andersson Sundén
Uppsala University
M. Angelone
M. Anghel
National Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technology
L. Appel
Culham Science Centre
C. Appelbee
Culham Science Centre
P. Arena
University of Catania
S. Arshad
Fusion for Energy
A. Ash
Culham Science Centre
N. Ashikawa
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
V. Aslanyan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
O. Asunta
Aalto University
F. Auriemma
Consorzio Rfx
Y. Austin
Culham Science Centre
L. Avotina
University of Latvia
M.D. Axton
Culham Science Centre
C. Ayres
Culham Science Centre
M. Bacharis
Imperial College London
D. Baião
Instituto Superior Tecnico
S. Bailey
Culham Science Centre
A. Baker
Culham Science Centre
I. Balboa
Culham Science Centre
M. Balden
Max Planck Society
N. Balshaw
Culham Science Centre
R. Bament
Culham Science Centre
J.W. Banks
Culham Science Centre
Y.F. Baranov
Culham Science Centre
M.A. Barnard
Culham Science Centre
D. Barnes
Culham Science Centre
R. Barnsley
ITER Organization
A. Baron Wiechec
Culham Science Centre
M. Baruzzo
Consorzio Rfx
V. Basiuk
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
M. Bassan
ITER Organization
R. Bastow
Culham Science Centre
A. Batista
Instituto Superior Tecnico
P. Batistoni
R. Baughan
Culham Science Centre
B. Bauvir
ITER Organization
L. Baylor
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
B. Bazylev
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
J. Beal
University of York
P.S. Beaumont
Culham Science Centre
M. Beckers
Forschungszentrum Jülich
B. Beckett
Culham Science Centre
A. Becoulet
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
N. Bekris
Culham Science Centre
M. Beldishevski
Culham Science Centre
K. Bell
Culham Science Centre
F. Belli
M. Bellinger
Culham Science Centre
Max Planck Society
N. Ben Ayed
Culham Science Centre
N.A. Benterman
Culham Science Centre
H. Bergsåker
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
M. Berry
Culham Science Centre
L. Bertalot
ITER Organization
C. Besliu
Culham Science Centre
B. Bieg
Maritime University of Szczecin
J. Bielecki
Polish Academy of Sciences
T. Biewer
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
M. Bigi
Consorzio Rfx
F. Binda
Uppsala University
A. Bisoffi
University of Trento
C. Björkas
University of Helsinki
J. Blackburn
Culham Science Centre
K. Blackman
Culham Science Centre
T.R. Blackman
Culham Science Centre
P. Blatchford
Culham Science Centre
A. Boboc
Culham Science Centre
G. Bodnàr
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
I. Bolshakova
Lviv Polytechnic National University
N. Bonanomi
University of Milano-Bicocca
F. Bonelli
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
J. Boom
Max Planck Society
J. Booth
Culham Science Centre
D.N. Borba
Instituto Superior Tecnico
D. Borodin
Forschungszentrum Jülich
I. Borodkina
Forschungszentrum Jülich
P. Boulting
Culham Science Centre
M. Bowden
Culham Science Centre
C. Bower
Culham Science Centre
C. Bowman
University of York
T. Boyce
Culham Science Centre
C. Boyd
Culham Science Centre
H. Boyer
Culham Science Centre
J.M.A. Bradshaw
Culham Science Centre
V. Braic
National Institute for Optoelectronics
R. Bravanec
Fourth State Research
B. N. Breizman
The University of Texas at Austin
P.D. Brennan
Culham Science Centre
S Breton
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
A. Brett
Culham Science Centre
M. Bright
Culham Science Centre
Brix, M
Culham Science Centre
W. Broeckx
Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK CEN)
M. Brombin
Consorzio Rfx
A. Brosławski
National Centre for Nuclear Research
D.P.D. Brown
Culham Science Centre
M. Brown
Culham Science Centre
E. Bruno
ITER Organization
J. Bucalossi
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
J. Buch
Institute for Plasma Research India
M. Buckley
Culham Science Centre
R. Budny
Princeton University
M. Bulman
Culham Science Centre
N. Bulmer
Culham Science Centre
P. Bunting
Culham Science Centre
A. Burckhart
Max Planck Society
A. Buscarino
University of Catania
A. Busse
Culham Science Centre
N.K. Butler
Culham Science Centre
I. Bykov
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
J. Byrne
Culham Science Centre
I. Calvo
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
P. Camp
Culham Science Centre
D.C. Campling
Culham Science Centre
J. Cane
Culham Science Centre
A.J. Capel
Culham Science Centre
P. Card
Culham Science Centre
P. Carman
Culham Science Centre
L. Carraro
Consorzio Rfx
B.B. Carvalho
Instituto Superior Tecnico
I. Carvalho
Instituto Superior Tecnico
FJ Casson
Culham Science Centre
N. Catarino
Instituto Superior Tecnico
J. Caumont
Culham Science Centre
K. Cave-Ayland
Culham Science Centre
M. Cavinato
Consorzio Rfx
E. Cecil
Princeton University
A. Cenedese
Consorzio Rfx
M. Chandler
Culham Science Centre
D. Chandra
Institute for Plasma Research India
C.S. Chang
Princeton University
A. V. Chankin
Max Planck Society
G. Chitarin
Consorzio Rfx
D. Ciric
Culham Science Centre
E. Clark
Culham Science Centre
M. Clark
Culham Science Centre
R. Clarkson
Culham Science Centre
D. Clatworthy
Culham Science Centre
C. Clements
Culham Science Centre
M. Cleverly
Culham Science Centre
J.P. Coad
Culham Science Centre
P. Coates
Culham Science Centre
A. Cobalt
Culham Science Centre
V. Coccorese
University of Naples Federico II
V. Cocilovo
I. Coffey
Queen's University Belfast
S. Collins
Culham Science Centre
D. Conka
University of Latvia
S. Conroy
Uppsala University
N.J. Conway
Culham Science Centre
D. Coombs
Culham Science Centre
D. Cooper
Culham Science Centre
S.R. Cooper
Culham Science Centre
C. Corradino
University of Catania
G. Corrigan
Culham Science Centre
S. Cortes
Instituto Superior Tecnico
D. Coster
Max Planck Society
A.S. Couchman
Culham Science Centre
M. Cox
Culham Science Centre
T. Craciunescu
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
S. Cramp
Culham Science Centre
R. Craven
Culham Science Centre
G. Croci
University of Milano-Bicocca
D. Croft
Culham Science Centre
K. Crombe
Ghent university
R. Crowe
Culham Science Centre
A. Cufar
Jozef Stefan Institute
A. Cullen
Culham Science Centre
M. Curuia
National Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technology
H. Dabirikhah
Culham Science Centre
P. Dalgliesh
Culham Science Centre
S. Dalley
Culham Science Centre
J. Dankowski
Polish Academy of Sciences
D. Darrow
Princeton University
O. Davies
Culham Science Centre
W. Davis
ITER Organization
C. Day
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
I. Day
Culham Science Centre
M. De Bock
ITER Organization
A. De Castro
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
E. De La Cal
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
E. De La Luna
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
J.L. De Pablos
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
P.C. de Vries
ITER Organization
K. Deakin
Culham Science Centre
J. Deane
Culham Science Centre
F. Degli Agostini
Consorzio Rfx
R. Dejarnac
Czech Academy of Sciences
E. Delabie
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
N. Den Harder
Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER)
J. Denis
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Devaux
Max Planck Society
P. Devynck
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
F. Di Maio
ITER Organization
A. Di Siena
Max Planck Society
P. Dinca
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
B. Ding
Chinese Academy of Sciences
T. Dittmar
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Hauke Doerk
Max Planck Society
R.P. Doerner
University of California at San Diego (UCSD)
T. Donné
EUROfusion Programme Management Unit
S.E. Dorling
Culham Science Centre
S. Dormido-Canto
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
S. Doswon
Culham Science Centre
P.T. Doyle
Culham Science Centre
P. Drewelow
Max Planck Society
P. Drews
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Ph. Duckworth
ITER Organization
R. J. Dumont
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
P Dumortier
Royal Military Academy
I. Durán
Czech Academy of Sciences
F Durodie
Royal Military Academy
P. Dutta
Institute for Plasma Research India
R. Dux
Max Planck Society
K. Dylst
Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK CEN)
N. Dzysiuk
Uppsala University
P.V. Edappala
Institute for Plasma Research India
J. Edmond
Culham Science Centre
A.M. Edwards
Culham Science Centre
J. Edwards
Culham Science Centre
A. Ekedahl
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
R. El-Jorf
Culham Science Centre
C. Elsmore
Culham Science Centre
M. Enachescu
Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering
G. Ericsson
Uppsala University
J. Eriksson
Uppsala University
L.-G. Eriksson
European Commission (EC)
S. Esquembri
Technical University of Madrid
H.G. Esser
Forschungszentrum Jülich
D. Esteve
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
B. Evans
Culham Science Centre
G.E. Evans
Culham Science Centre
G. Evison
Culham Science Centre
G. Ewart
Culham Science Centre
D. Fagan
Culham Science Centre
D. Falie
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
A. Fasoli
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
J. Faustin
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
N. Fawlk
Culham Science Centre
Luis Fazendeiro
Instituto Superior Tecnico
R.C. Felton
Culham Science Centre
K. Fenton
Culham Science Centre
A. Fernades
Instituto Superior Tecnico
H. Fernandes
Instituto Superior Tecnico
J.A. Fessey
Culham Science Centre
A.R. Field
Culham Science Centre
J. Figueiredo
Instituto Superior Tecnico
P. Finburg
Culham Science Centre
M. Firdaouss
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
U. Fischer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
L. Fittill
Culham Science Centre
D. Flammini
J. Flanagan
Culham Science Centre
C. Fleming
Culham Science Centre
K. Flinders
Culham Science Centre
N. Fonnesu
J.M. Fontdecaba
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
A. Formisano
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
L. Forsythe
Culham Science Centre
L. Fortuna
University of Catania
E. Fortuna-Zalesna
Warsaw University of Technology
M. Fortune
Culham Science Centre
S. Foster
Culham Science Centre
T. Franke
EUROfusion Programme Management Unit
T. Franklin
Culham Science Centre
M. Frasca
University of Catania
M. Freisinger
Forschungszentrum Jülich
R. Fresa
University of Basilicata
V. Fuchs
Czech Academy of Sciences
D. Fuller
Culham Science Centre
J. Fyvie
Culham Science Centre
Kinga Gál
Max Planck Society
D. Galassi
J. Gallagher
Culham Science Centre
R. Galvao
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
X. Gao
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P. Gaudio
University of Rome Tor Vergata
D. Gear
Culham Science Centre
S.J. Gee
Culham Science Centre
M. Gelfusa
University of Rome Tor Vergata
S. Gerasimov
Culham Science Centre
G. Gervasini
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
M. Gethins
Culham Science Centre
Z. Ghani
Culham Science Centre
M. Ghate
Institute for Plasma Research India
M. Gherendi
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
J.C. Giacalone
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C.S. Gibson
Culham Science Centre
T. Giegerich
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
C. Gil
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
L. Gil
Instituto Superior Tecnico
S. Gilligan
Culham Science Centre
D. Gin
Russian Academy of Sciences
J.B. Girardo
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
G. Giruzzi
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Glöggler
Max Planck Society
J. Godwin
Culham Science Centre
J. Goff
Culham Science Centre
P. Gohil
General Atomics
V. Goloborod'Ko
University of Innsbruck
R. Gomes
Instituto Superior Tecnico
B. Goncalves
Instituto Superior Tecnico
M. Goniche
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
M. Goodliffe
Culham Science Centre
A. Goodyear
Culham Science Centre
M. Gosk
National Centre for Nuclear Research
R. Goulding
Princeton University
A. Goussarov
Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK CEN)
R. Gowland
Culham Science Centre
B. Graham
Culham Science Centre
M.E. Graham
Culham Science Centre
J.P. Graves
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
N. Grazier
Culham Science Centre
P. Grazier
Culham Science Centre
N.R. Green
Culham Science Centre
H. Greuner
Max Planck Society
B. Grierson
Princeton University
F.S. Griph
Culham Science Centre
C. Grisolia
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
D. Grist
Culham Science Centre
M. Groth
Aalto University
R. Grove
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
C.N. Grundy
Culham Science Centre
J. Grzonka
Warsaw University of Technology
D. Guard
Culham Science Centre
C. Guérard
EUROfusion Programme Management Unit
C. Guillemaut
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C. Gurl
Culham Science Centre
H.H. Utoh
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
L. Hackett
Culham Science Centre
A. Hagar
Culham Science Centre
R. Hager
Princeton University
M. Halitovs
University of Latvia
S.J. Hall
Culham Science Centre
S. P. Hallworth Cook
Culham Science Centre
K. Hammond
Culham Science Centre
C. Harrington
Culham Science Centre
F. Hasenbeck
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Y. Hatano
University of Toyama
D.R. Hatch
The University of Texas at Austin
T. Haupt
Culham Science Centre
J. Hawes
Culham Science Centre
N. Hawkes
Culham Science Centre
J. Hawkins
Culham Science Centre
P. Hawkins
Culham Science Centre
P.W. Haydon
Culham Science Centre
N. Hayter
Culham Science Centre
S. Hazel
Culham Science Centre
P. Heesterman
Culham Science Centre
K. Heinola
University of Helsinki
C. Hellesen
Uppsala University
O. Hemming
Culham Science Centre
T. C. Hender
Culham Science Centre
M. Henderson
ITER Organization
R. Henriques
Instituto Superior Tecnico
D. Hepple
Culham Science Centre
G. Hermon
Culham Science Centre
P. Hertout
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C. Hidalgo
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion
E.G. Highcock
University of Oxford
M. Hill
Culham Science Centre
J. Hillairet
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
J. Hillesheim
Culham Science Centre
D. Hillis
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
K. Hizanidis
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
A. Hjalmarsson
Uppsala University
J. Hobirk
Max Planck Society
E. Hodille
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
C.H.A. Hogben
Culham Science Centre
A. Hollingsworth
Culham Science Centre
S. Hollis
Culham Science Centre
D.A. Homfray
Culham Science Centre
A. Horton
Culham Science Centre
L.D. Horton
European Commission (EC)
S.P. Hotchin
Culham Science Centre
M.R. Hough
Culham Science Centre
P.J. Howarth
Culham Science Centre
A. Hubbard
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
V. Huber
Forschungszentrum Jülich
T.M. Huddleston
Culham Science Centre
M. Hughes
Culham Science Centre
G. T. A. Huijsmans
ITER Organization
C.L. Hunter
Culham Science Centre
P. Huynh
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
A.M. Hynes
Culham Science Centre
D. Iglesias
Culham Science Centre
N. Imazawa
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
F. Imbeaux
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
M. Incelli
Tuscia University
M. Irishkin
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
S. Jachmich
Royal Military Academy
J. Jansons
University of Latvia
A. Järvinen
Aalto University
S. Jednoróg
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
I. Jenkins
Culham Science Centre
C. Jeong
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
I. Jepu
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
R. Johnson
Culham Science Centre
T. Johnson
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
J. Johnston
Culham Science Centre
L. Joita
Culham Science Centre
G. Jones
Culham Science Centre
T. Jones
Culham Science Centre
K.K. Hoshino
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
K. Kamiya
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
J. Kaniewski
Culham Science Centre
A. Kantor
Culham Science Centre
D. Karkinsky
Culham Science Centre
I. Karnowska
Culham Science Centre
M. Kaufman
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
G. Kaveney
Culham Science Centre
Y. Kazakov
Royal Military Academy
V. Kazantzidis
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
D. Keeling
Culham Science Centre
T. Keenan
Culham Science Centre
J. Keep
Culham Science Centre
M. Kempenaars
Culham Science Centre
C. Kennedy
Culham Science Centre
D. Kenny
Culham Science Centre
J. Kent
Culham Science Centre
O. Kent
Culham Science Centre
E. Khilkevich
Russian Academy of Sciences
Hyun-Tae Kim
Culham Science Centre
H.S. Kim
Seoul National University
A. Kinch
Culham Science Centre
C. King
Culham Science Centre
D. King
Culham Science Centre
R. King
Culham Science Centre
D.J. Kinna
Culham Science Centre
V.G. Kiptily
Culham Science Centre
K. Kirov
Culham Science Centre
A. Kirschner
Forschungszentrum Jülich
G. Kizane
University of Latvia
C. Klepper
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A. Klix
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
P. Knight
Culham Science Centre
S. Knipe
Culham Science Centre
S. Knott
University College Cork
T. Kobuchi
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
F. Köchl
Vienna University of Technology
I. Kodeli
Jozef Stefan Institute
L. Kogan
Culham Science Centre
S. Koivuranta
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
Y. Kominis
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
M. Köppen
Forschungszentrum Jülich
B. Kos
Jozef Stefan Institute
T. Koskela
Aalto University
M. Kovari
Culham Science Centre
E. Kowalska-Strzȩciwilk
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
A. Krasilnikov
Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research
V. Krasilnikov
Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research
M. Kresina
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
U. Kruezi
Culham Science Centre
I. Ksiażek
University of Opole
A. Kukushkin
National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
A. Kundu
Institute for Plasma Research India
S. Kwak
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
R. Kwiatkowski
National Centre for Nuclear Research
O.J. Kwon
Daegu University
A. Laing
Culham Science Centre
N. Lam
Culham Science Centre
H.T. Lambertz
Forschungszentrum Jülich
C. Lane
Culham Science Centre
P.T. Lang
Max Planck Society
S. Lanthaler
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
J. Lapins
University of Latvia
A. Lasa
University of Helsinki
J.R. Last
Culham Science Centre
E. Łaszyńska
Instytut Problemow Jadrowyc
R. Lawless
Culham Science Centre
A. Lawson
Culham Science Centre
K.D. Lawson
Culham Science Centre
E. Lazzaro
Istituto Di Fisica Del Plasma Piero Caldirola, Milan
S. Lee
National Fusion Research Institute
X. Lefebvre
Culham Science Centre
H. Leggate
Dublin City University
J. Lehmann
Culham Science Centre
D. Leichtle
Fusion for Energy
P. Leichuer
Culham Science Centre
I. Lengar
Jozef Stefan Institute
M. Lennholm
European Commission (EC)
E. Lerche
Royal Military Academy
A. Lescinskis
University of Latvia
S. Lesnoj
Culham Science Centre