Aslan Askarov
Visar 15 publikationer
Metadata Privacy Beyond Tunneling for Instant Messaging
Nontransitive Policies Transpiled
Decentralized Delimited Release
A lattice-based approach to mashup security
Catch Me If You Can: Permissive Yet Secure Error Handling
Tight Enforcement of Information-Release Policies for Dynamic Languages
Termination-Insensitive Noninterference Leaks More Than Just a Bit.
Cryptographically-Masked Flows
Gradual Release: Unifying Declassification, Encryption and Key Release Policies
Localized Delimited Release: Combining the What and Where Dimensions of Information Release
Cryptographically-Masked Flows
Secure Implementation of Cryptographic Protocols: A Case Study of Mutual Distrust
Security-typed languages for implementation of cryptographic protocols: A case study
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