Cheuk Wah Lau

Visar 11 publikationer


Irradiation testing of enhanced uranium oxide fuels

Klara L Insulander Björk, J. F. Kelly, C. Vitanza et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 125, p. 99-106
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Conceptual study of axial offset fluctuations upon stepwise power changes in a thorium-plutonium core to improve load-following conditions

Cheuk Wah Lau, Victor Dykin, Henrik Nylén et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 72, p. 84-89
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Reducing axial offset and improving stability in PWRs by using uranium-thorium fuel

Cheuk Wah Lau, Henrik Nylén, Christophe Demaziere et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 76, p. 137-147
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Feasibility Study of 1/3 Thorium-Plutonium Mixed Oxide Core

Cheuk Wah Lau, Henrik Nylén, Klara L Insulander Björk et al
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Vol. 2014 (Art. no. 709415)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Study of Thorium-Plutonium Fuel for Possible Operating Cycle Extension in PWRs

Klara L Insulander Björk, Cheuk Wah Lau, H. Nylén et al
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Vol. 2013
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Investigation of the Equilibrium Core Characteristics for the Ringhals-3 PWR with Improved Thermal Margins Using Uranium-thorium Fuel

Cheuk Wah Lau, Henrik Nylén, Christophe Demaziere et al
Proceedings of ICAPP 2013, p. 8-
Paper i proceeding

Improvement of LWR thermal margins by introducing thorium

Cheuk Wah Lau, Christophe Demaziere, Henrik Nylén et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 61, p. 48-56
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Improvement of the thermal margins in the Swedish Ringhals-3 PWR by introducing new fuel assemblies with thorium

Cheuk Wah Lau, Christophe Demaziere, Henrik Nylén et al
Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Reactor Physics – Linking Research, Industry, and Education (PHYSOR 2012), Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 5, p. 4041-4055
Paper i proceeding

Innovative use of Thorium in LWR fuel assemblies

Cheuk Wah Lau, Christophe Demaziere, Henrik Nylén
International Congress on Advances in NPPs - Nice, p. 2222-2231
Paper i proceeding

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