Simon Casey

Senior forskningsingenjör vid Onsala rymdobservatorium

Image of Simon Casey

Visar 11 publikationer


Status of the Onsala Twin Telescopes – One Year After the Inauguration

Rüdiger Haas, Simon Casey, Gunnar Elgered et al
IVS 2018 General Meeting Proceedings "Global Geodesy and the Role of VGOS – Fundamental to Sustainable Development". Vol. NASA/CP-2019-219039, p. 17-19
Paper i proceeding

Status of the Onsala Twin Telescopes – Two Years After the Inauguration

Rüdiger Haas, Simon Casey, John Conway et al
Proceedings of the 24th European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, p. 5-9
Paper i proceeding

DBBC3 development

G. Tuccari, W. Alef, A. Bertarini et al
Proceedings of Science
Paper i proceeding

Direct VLBI Observations of Global Navigation Satellite System Signals

Vincenza Tornatore, Rüdiger Haas, Simon Casey et al
International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Vol. 139, p. 247-252
Paper i proceeding

UVMULTIFIT: A versatile tool for fitting astronomical radio interferometric data

Ivan Marti-Vidal, Wouter Vlemmings, Sebastien Muller et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 563
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Wettzell-Onsala G130128 experiment – VLBI-observations of a GLONASS satellite

Rüdiger Haas, Alexander Neidhardt, Jan Kodet et al
IVS 2014 General Meeting Proceedings "VGOS: The New VLBI Network", Edited by Dirk Behrend, Karen D. Baver, and Kyla L. Armstrong, Science Press (Beijing), p. 451-455
Övrigt konferensbidrag

DBBC3: VLBI at 32 Gbits per second

G. Tuccari, S. Buttaccio, W. Alef et al
Proceedings of Science. Vol. 2012-October
Paper i proceeding

Determination of GLONASS satellite coordinates with respect to natural radio sources using the VLBI technique: preliminary results

Vincenza Tornatore, Rüdiger Haas, Dmitry Duev et al
Proceedings of the European Test and Telemetry Conference ETTC2011, Toulouse, France
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Single baseline GLONASS observations with VLBI: data processing and first results

Vincenza Tornatore, Rüdiger Haas, Dmitry Duev et al
Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry, p. 162-165
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Tracking of GLONASS satellites by VLBI radio telescopes

Vincenza Tornatore, Rüdiger Haas, Guiseppe Maccaferri et al
Proc. of the 5th ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, TTC 2010, ESA-ESTEC
Övrigt konferensbidrag

e-VLBI related activities at Onsala Space Observatory

Simon Casey, Rüdiger Haas, Michael Lindqvist et al
Proceedings of the 8th International e-VLBI Workshop. 22-26 June 2009. Madrid, Spain
Paper i proceeding

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