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Noise in dual-pumped fiber-optical parametric amplifiers: Theory and experiments
Noise statistics in fiber optical parametric amplifiers
Noise in Orthogonally Pumped Fiber-Optical Parametric Amplifiers
Gain and wavelength dependence of the noise-figure in fiber optical parametric amplification
Properties of pump-induced noise in fiber optic parametric amplifiers
Noise statistics of fiber optical parametric amplifiers
Semi-analytic saturation theory of fiber optical parametric amplifiers
Correction to Noise Characteristics of Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers"
Noise Characteristics of Dual-Pump Fiber-Optic Parametric Amplifiers
Gain saturation characteristics of fiber optical parametric amplifiers
Gain saturation characteristics of fiber optical parametric amplifiers
Nonlinear Fiber Optical Technologies for Transmission and Amplification
Noise characteristics of fiber optical parametric amplifiers
DM solitons in long-haul DWDM systems at 40 Gb/s with nonlinear interactions and PMD
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