Daniel Fleig
Visar 13 publikationer
Experimental evaluation and field application of a salt method for SO3 measurement in flue gases
Measurement and modeling of sulfur trioxide formation in a flow reactor under post-flame conditions
Experimental and Modeling Studies of Sulfur-Based Reactions in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
SO3 Measurement Techniques: A Study in a 100 kW Test Unit Fired with a SO2-Doped Propane Flame
The effects of operating conditions on SO3 formation during oxy-fuel and air-firing
Influence of Operating Conditions on SO3 Formation during Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Evaluation of SO3 Measurement Techniques in Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion
SO3 Formation under Oxyfuel Combustion Conditions
Conversion of Sulfur during Pulverized Oxy-coal Combustion
The Sulphur Mass Balance in Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite
The fate of sulphur during oxy-fuel combustion of lignite
Sulphur chemistry in oxy-fuel combustion
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