Georgios Georgiadis
Visar 21 publikationer
Multi-agent distributed method for dynamic power system rebalancing
A greedy algorithm for the unforecasted energy dispatch problem with storage in smart grids
Physarum-inspired self-biased walkers for distributed clustering
A greedy algorithm for the unforecasted energy dispatch problem with storage in Smart Grids
Adaptive distributed b-matching in overlays with preferences
Physarum-inspired self-biased walkers for distributed clustering
Adaptive Distributed b-Matching in Overlays with Preferences
Adaptive overlay construction through dynamic distributed matching with preferences
Application of the graph theory in managing power flow in future electric networks
Overlays with preferences: Approximation algorithms for matching with preference lists
Distributed routing algorithms to manage power flow in agent-based active distribution network
Unstructured overlay networks with guarantees: Algorithms and evaluation methods
Overlays with preferences: Approximation algorithms for matching with preference lists
A Least-Resistance Path in Reasoning about Unstructured Overlay Networks
A least resistance path to the analysis of unstructured overlay networks
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