Hans Svensson
Visar 18 publikationer
An expressive semantics of mocking
Accelerating race condition detection through procrastination
Ranking programs using black box testing
A Unified Semantics for Future Erlang
Finding Race Conditions in Erlang with Quick Check and PULSE
Implementing an LTL-to-Büchi translator in Erlang: a ProTest experience report
Finding race conditions in erlang with quickcheck and PULSE
Verification of Distributed Erlang Programs using Testing, Model Checking and Theorem Proving
Finding Counter Examples in Induction Proofs
A Semi-Automatic Correctness Proof Procedure applied to Stoller's Leader Election Algorithm
Programming Distributed Erlang Applications: Pitfalls and Recipes
A More Accurate Semantics for Distributed Erlang
McErlang: A Model Checker for a Distributed Functional Programming Language
A New Leader Election Implementation
A Semantics for Distributed Erlang
Semi-Formal Development of a Fault-Tolerant Leader Election Protocol in Erlang
Testing Implementations of Formally Verified Algorithms
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