Josef Svenningsson
Visar 26 publikationer
Bridging Static and Dynamic Program Analysis using Fuzzy Logic
Everything old is new again: Quoted Domain Specific Languages
Combining deep and shallow embedding of domain-specific languages
An EDSL approach to high performance Haskell programming
An expressive semantics of mocking
Combining Deep and Shallow Embedding for EDSL
Simple and compositional reification of monadic embedded languages
Counting and Occurrence Sort for GPUs using an Embedded Language
Simple and Compositional Reification of Monadic Embedded Languages: Functional pearl
An EDSL approach to high performance haskell programming
Generic Monadic Constructs for Embedded Languages
The Design and Implementation of Feldspar: An Embedded Language for Digital Signal Processing
Generic monadic constructs for embedded languages
Specification and Verification of Side Channel Declassification
The Design and Implementation of Feldspar: an Embedded Language for Digital Signal Processing
Feldspar: A Domain Specific Language for Digital Signal Processing algorithms
Specification and Verification of Side Channel Declassification
Scalable Program Analysis and topics in Programming Language Design and Transformation
Polymorphism, Subtyping, Whole Program Analysis and Accurate Data Types in Usage Analysis
Shortcut fusion for accumulating parameters & zip-like functions
A usage analysis with bounded usage polymorphism and subtyping
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