Kavya Michael
Doktor på avdelningen för Miljösystemanalys, på institutionen för Teknikens ekonomi och organisation.

Visar 18 publikationer
Class and climate change in post-reform India
Household energy choices: New empirical evidence and policy implications for sustainable behaviour
Thirty-five years of research on energy and power: A landscape analysis
Just Transitions: Gender and Power in India’s Climate Politics
Dismantling Power and Bringing Reflexivity into the Eco-modern Home
Gender and India’s climate policy: Bridging the disconnects
Climate change, migration and inequality in contemporary India
Climate Justice in the Majority World: Vulnerability, Resistance, and Diverse Knowledges
Barriers and enablers of gender-just climate action: Examples from India
Voices from the field: Working for a just climate in India
CONCLUSION: Towards Justice in Climate Justice Research - Feedback from Chapter Contributors
INTRODUCTION: Climate Justice beyond the Minority World - Towards Decolonial Knowledges
Migration as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: What Role do Emotions Play?
A two-step approach to integrating gender justice into mitigation policy: Examples from India
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt