Yevgen Kazakov
Visar 35 publikationer
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade
Dependence of the core radial electric field on ion and electron temperature in W7-X
Turbulent transport of MeV range cyclotron heated minorities as compared to alpha particles
Can we study the transport of MeV ions without generating fusion alphas?
Tunneling and mode conversion of fast magnetosonic waves in the magnetospheres of Earth and Mercury
Modelling of the ion cyclotron resonance heating scenarios for W7-X stellarator
Study and design of the ion cyclotron resonance heating system for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X
Mode Conversion of Waves in the Ion-Cyclotron Frequency Range in Magnetospheric Plasmas
Study of ICRH scenarios for thermal ion heating in JET D–T plasmas
Minority and mode conversion heating in (3He)–H JET plasmas
Effect of poloidal asymmetries on impurity peaking in tokamaks
Test particle modelling of impurity collisional transport in tokamaks
Poloidal density asymmetries due to ion cyclotron resonance heating
Effect of poloidal asymmetries on impurity peaking in tokamaks
Poloidal asymmetries due to ion cyclotron resonance heating
Progress in theoretical models of the ICRF mode conversion
Enhancing The Mode Conversion Efficiency In JET Plasmas With Multiple Mode Conversion Layers
Test particle modelling of ion collisional transport in tokamaks
Search for Ion Heating Scenarios in Burning D-T Plasmas with ICRH.
Mode conversion heating in JET plasmas with multiple mode conversion layers
Mode Conversion Study in Plasmas with Two Ion-Ion Hybrid Resonances
Effective fast wave mode conversion in deuterium plasmas with large hydrogen concentration
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