Claes Lindeborg

Visar 10 publikationer


Studies of the Dynamic Behaviour of a Primary Sedimentation Tank

Claes Lindeborg
Proc of IAWQ Biennial Int Conference, Singapore
Paper i proceeding

A simple, robust digital controller for the Onsala 20m radio telescope

M. Olberg, Claes Lindeborg, A. Seyf et al
Proc of the Int Symposium on Aerospace/Defence Sensing & Control and Dual-Use Photonics, Orlando, Florida
Paper i proceeding

Modelling the Dynamics of a Trickling Filter for Waste Water Treatment

Torsten Wik, Claes Lindeborg
Proceedings of the Third IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 1994. Vol. 2, p. 1035 - 1040
Paper i proceeding

Modelling the Dynamics of a Trickling Filter for Waste Water Treatment

Torsten Wik, Claes Lindeborg
Preprints of the 5th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Lyngby, Denmark
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Development of a Catchment Simulator as an On-Line Tool for Operating a Wastewater Treatment Plant

L-G Gustafsson, D. Lumley, B. Person et al
Proc of ICUSD '93 - 6th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, Niagara Falls, Canada
Paper i proceeding

Estimation of Moisture Variations on Paper Machines

Guy Dumont, I. Jonsson, M. Davies et al
IEEE Transacrtions on Control Systems Technology. Vol. 1 (2)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integrating a Catchment Simulator into Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation

L-G Gustafsson, D. Lumley, Claes Lindeborg et al
Proc of the 6th Int. Association on Water Quality Workshop, Ontario, Canada
Paper i proceeding

Modelling and Simulation of the Cross-Direction Moisture Control

Claes Lindeborg
Preprints of the 4th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

An Improved Algorithm for Estimating Paper Machine Moisture Profiles Using Scanned Data

Claes Lindeborg
Proc of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Brighton, UK
Paper i proceeding

Modelling and Simulation of the Cross Direction Moisture Control

Claes Lindeborg
Preprints of EUCEPA, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

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