John Omotani
Visar 26 publikationer
Effect of energetic ions on edge-localized modes in tokamak plasmas
Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
Edge momentum transport by neutrals: an interpretive numerical framework
Neoclassical study of the isotope effect in density pedestals
Momentum transport by neutrals: Effect of kinetic coupling
Isotope and mixture effects on neoclassical transport in the pedestal
Neoclassical flows in deuterium-helium plasma density pedestals
Plasma rotation from momentum transport by neutrals in tokamaks
Blob dynamics in the TORPEX experiment: a multi-code validation
Edge rotation from momentum transport by neutrals
Edge momentum transport by neutrals
Dynamics of 3D isolated thermal filaments
Characterisation of the L-mode scrape off layer in MAST: decay lengths
Scrape off layer profiles interpreted with filament dynamics
On the relation between non-exponential scrape off layer profiles and the dynamics of filaments
Edge rotation as governed by momentum transport due to neutrals
Verification of BOUT++ by the method of manufactured solutions
The effects of shape and amplitude on the velocity of scrape-off layer filaments
Numerical investigation of isolated filament motion in a realistic tokamak geometry
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