Tobias Persson
Visar 13 publikationer
Improved control of the betatron coupling in the Large Hadron Collider
Beam-Based Error Identification and Correction Methods for Particle Accelerators
Drive beam stability studies and stabilization algorithms in CLIC Test Facility 3
Optics Corrections and Stabilization Methods for Particle Accelerators
Commissioning and Operation at beta = 1000 m in the LHC
Chromatic coupling correction in the Large Hadron Collider
Experimental Verification of the CLIC Two-Beam Acceleration Technology in CTF3
Automatic Correction of Betatron Coupling in the LHC using Injection Oscillations
Optics performance of the LHC during the 2012 run
Review of the drive beam stabilization in the CLIC test facility CTF3
Record low β beating in the LHC
Two Beam Test Stand Experiments in the CTF3 Facility
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