Sankar Raman Sathyamoorthy
Visar 12 publikationer
Performance analysis of out-of-distribution detection on trained neural networks
Quantum efficiency, purity and stability of a tunable, narrowband microwave single-photon source
Towards Structured Evaluation of Deep Neural Network Supervisors
Resonant and off-resonant microwave signal manipulation in coupled superconducting resonators
Quantum optics in superconducting circuits : Generating, engineering and detecting microwave photons
Simple, robust, and on-demand generation of single and correlated photons
Detecting itinerant single microwave photons
Storage and on-demand release of microwaves using superconducting resonators with tunable coupling
Quantum Nondemolition Detection of a Propagating Microwave Photon
Giant Cross–Kerr Effect for Propagating Microwaves Induced by an Artificial Atom
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