Lakshminarayan Sharma

Doktorand vid Fotonik

I hail from Rajasthan in northwestern India, a region known for its scorching temperatures that can reach up to 45°C, and home to the vast and arid Thar Desert. I hold a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Physics from St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad, and the Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, respectively. My research focus during this time was on quantum emitter coupling and photon generation which lead to my first research paper (

Encouraged by this and as a result of my deep passion for photonics led me to pursue a second Master's degree, for which I received the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship. This opportunity allowed me to study at esteemed institutions in France and Finland, including the University of Jean Monnet, University of Eastern Finland, and Tampere University. My final thesis explored PL spectroscopy of excitons in 2D semiconductor materials, which you can read about more in the follwing article (

Now i am working in the Wide Bandgap Optoelectronics group in the Photonics research group at the Microtechnology and Nanoscience department (MC2) at the Chalmers University of Technology. Here my researtch will focus on the development of Mode and polarization stable Blue Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSEL) with specially engineered meta-surfaces.


In my free time, I enjoy racket sports like badminton, lawn tennis, and paddle. I'm also an avid gym-goer and love hiking and biking in scenic forest and lake settings. Recently, I've developed a new interest in climbing sports, including bouldering and rope climbing, which has added a new dimension of adventure to my life. On weekends, you can find me watching sci-fi movies and shows or planning my next climb."

Image of Lakshminarayan Sharma

Visar 1 publikationer


Single Photon Sources from 2D-Materials and Interfacing with Waveguides for Quantum Technological Applications

Akriti Raj, Swapnasagar Sahu, Peddarapu Lakshmi Narayani et al
Advanced Quantum Technologies. Vol. In Press

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