Sören Christensen
Visar 27 publikationer
On sequential decision problems with constant costs of observation
Classification error in multiclass discrimination from Markov data
Worst-case portfolio optimization in a market with bubbles
Convergence of switching diffusions
Resolvent-Techniques for Multiple Exercise Problems
Discrimination of mothers for convalescent treatment? | Diskriminierung bei Kuren für Mütter?
Achtung: Statistik. 150 Kolumnen zum Nachdenken und Schmunzeln
Worst-case optimal investment with a random number of crashes
On the solution of general impulse control problems using superharmonic functions
A method for pricing american options using semi-infinite linear programming
Are female hurricanes really deadlier than male hurricanes?
Discussion on "Sequential Estimation for Time Series Models" by T. N. Sriram and Ross Iaci
Optimal decision under ambiguity for diffusion processes
On the Distribution of Random Variables Corresponding to Musielak-Orlicz Norms
American Options with guarantee – A class of two-sided stopping problems
Optimal Multiple Stopping with Random Waiting Times
Optimal stopping of strong Markov processes
Phase-type distributions and optimal stopping for autoregressive processes
Generalized Fibonacci numbers and Blackwell's renewal theorem
A harmonic function technique for the optimal stopping of diffusions
An elementary approach to optimal stopping problems for AR(1) sequences
A note on pasting conditions for the American perpetual optimal stopping problem
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