Ulrik Eklund
Visar 22 publikationer
INTERO: An Interoperability Model for Large Systems
Architecture for embedded open software ecosystems
Architecting automotive product lines: Industrial practice
Archetypical approaches of fast software development and slow embedded projects
Introducing Software Ecosystems for Mass-Produced Embedded Systems
Architecture for Large-Scale Innovation Experiment Systems
A reference architecture template for software-intensive embedded systems
Using architecture for multiple levels of access to an ecosystem platform
Eternal Embedded Software: Towards Innovation Experiment Systems
Applying Agile Development in Mass-Produced Embedded Systems
Architecting Automotive Product Lines: Industrial Practice
Stakeholder identification and quality attribute prioritization for a global Vehicle Control System
A Classification of Value for Software Architecture Decisions
A Case Study of the Architecture Business Cycle for an In-Vehicle Software Architecture
A Reference Architecture for Infotainment Systems
A Method for Model Based Automotive Software Development
Hazard Analysis in Object Oriented Design of Dependable Systems
HUGIN: a small satellite trying to be intelligent
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