Carl Fredrik Larsson
Visar 26 publikationer
Lion Fire: Extinguishment and mitigation of fires in Li-ion batteries at sea
Safe introduction of battery propulsion at sea
Toxic fluoride gas emissions from lithium-ion battery fires
Are electric vehicles safer than combustion engine vehicles?
Safer battery systems in electrified vehicles – an electrified bus perspective
Gas emissions from Lithium-ion battery cells undergoing abuse from external fire
Thermal modeling of fire propagation in lithium-ion batteries
Modelling of thermal events in Lithium-ion batteries
Är elektriska fordon säkrare än fordon med förbränningsmotorer?
Characteristics of lithium-ion batteries during fire tests
Abuse by External Heating, Overcharge and Short Circuiting of Commercial Lithium-Ion Battery Cells
Assessment of safety characteristics for Li-ion battery cells by abuse testing
Battery Aspects on Fires in Electrified Vehicles
Fire Spread due to Thermal Runaway in a Lithium-ion Battery Cell
Are electric vehicles safer than combustion engine vehicles?
Investigation of fire emissions from Li-ion batteries
Energy storage system safety in electrified vehicles
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