Carl Fredrik Larsson

Gästforskare vid Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik image

Visar 26 publikationer


Lion Fire: Extinguishment and mitigation of fires in Li-ion batteries at sea

Petra Andersson, Magnus Arvidson, Franz Evergren et al
Rapport - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Gas explosions and thermal runaways during external heating abuse of commercial lithium-ion graphite-LiCoO2 cells at different levels of ageing

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Simon Bertilsson, Maurizio Furlani et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 373, p. 220-231
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Overcurrent Abuse of Primary Prismatic Zinc–Air Battery Cells Studying Air Supply Effects on Performance and Safety Shut-Down

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Antti Rytinki, Istaq Ahmed et al
Batteries. Vol. 3 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Safe introduction of battery propulsion at sea

Petra Andersson, Johan Wikman, Magnus Arvidson et al

Toxic fluoride gas emissions from lithium-ion battery fires

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, P. Blomqvist et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 7 (10018), p. 1-13
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Lithium-ion battery electrolyte emissions analyzed by coupled thermogravimetric/Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy

Simon Bertilsson, Carl Fredrik Larsson, Maurizio Furlani et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 365, p. 446-455
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Are electric vehicles safer than combustion engine vehicles?

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2017, p. 34-48
Kapitel i bok

Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to determine toxic gases in fires with lithium-ion batteries

Petra Andersson, P. Blomqvist, Anders Lorén et al
Fire and Materials. Vol. 40 (8), p. 999-1015
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Safer battery systems in electrified vehicles – an electrified bus perspective

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Johan Anderson, Petra Andersson et al
Eurotransport. Vol. 14 (3), p. 50-53
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Thermal Modelling of Cell-to-Cell Fire Propagation and Cascading Thermal Runaway Failure Effects for Lithium-Ion Battery Cells and Modules Using Fire Walls

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Johan Anderson, Petra Andersson et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 163 (14), p. A2854-A2865
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Gas emissions from Lithium-ion battery cells undergoing abuse from external fire

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, P. Blomqvist et al
Fires in vehicles (FIVE) 2016 Conference proceedings. Vol. 2016, p. 253-256
Poster (konferens)

Lithium-Ion Battery Aspects on Fires in Electrified Vehicles on the Basis of Experimental Abuse Tests

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Batteries. Vol. 2 (2)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thermal modeling of fire propagation in lithium-ion batteries

Johan Anderson, Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson et al
The 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). Gothenburg, Sweden on June 8-11, 2015
Paper i proceeding

Modelling of thermal events in Lithium-ion batteries

Petra Andersson, Johan Anderson, Carl Fredrik Larsson et al
ESFSS 2015 2nd European Symposium on Fire Safety Science. 16 - 18 June 2015 European University Cyprus, Cyprus.
Paper i proceeding

Är elektriska fordon säkrare än fordon med förbränningsmotorer?

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Perspektiv på eldrivna fordon 2015, p. 12-13
Kapitel i bok

Characteristics of lithium-ion batteries during fire tests

Carl Fredrik Larsson, P. Andersson, P. Blomqvist et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 271, p. 414-420
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Abuse by External Heating, Overcharge and Short Circuiting of Commercial Lithium-Ion Battery Cells

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 161 (10), p. A1611-A1617
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Battery Aspects on Fires in Electrified Vehicles

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Fires in vehicles (FIVE) 2014 Conference proceedings. Vol. 2014, p. 209-220
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Fire Spread due to Thermal Runaway in a Lithium-ion Battery Cell

Johan Anderson, Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson et al
Fires in vehicles (FIVE) 2014 Conference proceedings. Vol. 2014, p. 267-270
Poster (konferens)

Are electric vehicles safer than combustion engine vehicles?

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2013, p. 33-44
Kapitel i bok

Investigation of fire emissions from Li-ion batteries

Petra Andersson, P. Blomqvist, Anders Lorén et al

Design for Safety

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Jesper Martaeng, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Advanced Automotive Battery Conference (AABC) Orlando 2012. Vol. 2012
Poster (konferens)

Energy storage system safety in electrified vehicles

Carl Fredrik Larsson, Petra Andersson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Fires in vehicles (FIVE) 2012 Conference proceedings. Vol. 2012, p. 303-306
Poster (konferens)

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