EPEM - Motorprestanda och energihantering för motorinstallation med stora kraftuttag
Forskningsprojekt, 2020 – 2023

Purpose and goal: Military air vehicles are undergoing a rapid technology transformation towards increased electric power consumption. A modern engine integration must be designed to meet continuously high power off-takes as well as more transient and rapid power off-take variations. The purpose of the project is a better understanding of how the increased power off-take impacts the engine and engine installation. This is a joint project between Chalmers, Saab, GKN and University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Expected results and effects: The project will evaluate how an increased power output in the form of electric power, static and dynamic, affects engine stability and performance as well as how engine and aircraft systems can be designed to optimize operability, performance and energy efficiency. This includes evaluating how a generator is integrated into a turbo fan engine. The acquired knowledge enables the Swedish aviation industry to continue to be attractive partners for military and civil aircraft projects. Approach and implementation: The project will set up a framework and models for modeling the interaction between the engine and the rest of the aircraft, including large power consumers. The engine model is developed using existing tools at Chalmers and will be supported by rig test on an generator adapted for integration in a turbo fan engine. The aircraft model will be based on data from open literature. The project will use methodology for conceptual design in order to do trade-off studies.


Tomas Grönstedt (kontakt)

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Strömningslära


GKN Aerospace Sweden

Trollhättan, Sweden


Stockholm, Sweden



Projekt-id: 2020-00690
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2020–2023


Projekt-id: 2023-01181
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2023–2024



Power Extraction in Military Aircraft


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