Macro- and microscopic properties of nonaqueous proton conducting membranes based on PAN.
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2003

In this work we report the electrochemical and physical characterization of proton-conducting gels prepared by means of a swelling procedure proved successful for the synthesis of membranes of interest for lithium battery technology. Basically, this new approach considers the formation of a precursor membrane by the gelification of a selected polymer matrix, e.g., a poly (acrylonitrile), matrix using a suitable solvent. This membrane is then embedded in an acidic solution: by a phase inversion process, the gelling solvent leaves the polymer matrix to be replaced by the acid solution, to finally obtain a self-standing, proton-conducting membrane. Impedance spectroscopy analysis demonstrated the good conductivity of the materials, and infrared, Raman, and fuel-cell studies confirm that this conductivity is due to protonic transport.


D Satolli

Sapienza, Università di Roma

M.A. Navarra

Sapienza, Università di Roma

S Panero

Sapienza, Università di Roma

B Scrosati

Sapienza, Università di Roma

Denis Ostrovskii

Chalmers, Teknisk fysik

Per Jacobsson

Chalmers, Teknisk fysik

Ingvar Albinsson

Göteborgs universitet

Bengt-Erik Mellander

Chalmers, Institutionen för experimentell fysik

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

0013-4651 (ISSN) 1945-7111 (eISSN)

Vol. 150 3 A267-A273

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Annan teknik



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