Conflicting goals deriving from different urban quality perspectives - an alternative way of understanding urban planning conflicts
Poster (konferens), 2011

Many planning conflicts are connected to problems with urban transport. Transportation planners, spatial planners, urban design oriented architects and urban thinkers from other disciplines and other parties involved often have different ways of understanding the conflicting goals between urban quality and urban transport. There is still a need for rethinking planning conflicts in a more multi-disciplinary perspective. This poster starts out from an urban design oriented perspective on conflicts. Finally an alternative starting point for using quality perspectives with tensions in between for understanding conflicting urban quality goals is presented.

conflicting goals

quality perspectives.

spatial conflicts

sustainable urban mobility

urban development


Karin Berg

Chalmers, Arkitektur

Poster for conference, Planning/conflict - critical perspectives on contentious urban developments. Arranged by Planning Theory, TU, Berlin. Date 27-28 October 2011. Berlin, Germany



Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


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