Integration of a gas turbine with back pressure power generation as a more efficient combined cycle plant
Artikel i övrig tidskrift, 1982

The rising cost of energy has compelled most countries to seek methods of economizing on their energy consumption, typically by the use of more energy-efficient generation processes. The combined gas and steam turbine process is one example of a step in this direction. This article reviews an investigation that has, among other things, demonstrated the feasibility of increasing the electricity produced by a back-pressure power generation plant by 30 to 40 percent for the same thermal load by combining an industrial back-pressure power generation plant with a gas turbine. In the long term this should prove highly attractive, since the electricity produced by back-pressure generation requires only half as much fuel input as electricity generated in a condensing steam power station.


Lennart Jarlevang

Institutionen för värmeteknik och maskinlära

Torgny Johansson

Institutionen för värmeteknik och maskinlära

Energy Technology

Vol. 1982 4 6-9

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


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