Labelled BNF: a high-level formalism for defining well-behaved programming languages
Paper i proceeding, 2003

The grammar formalism Labelled BNF (LBNF) and the compiler construction tool BNF Converter are introduced. Given a grammar written in LBNF, the BNF Converter produces a complete compiler front end (up to, but excluding, type checking), i.e. a lexer, a parser, and an abstract syntax definition. Moreover, it produces a pretty-printer and a language specification in L A T E X, as well as a template file for the compiler back end. A language specification in LBNF is completely declarative and therefore portable. It reduces dramatically the effort of implementing a language. The price to pay is that the language must be "well-behaved", i.e. that its lexical structure must be describable by a regular expression and its syntax by a context-free grammar.


Markus Forsberg

Chalmers, Institutionen för datavetenskap

Aarne Ranta

Göteborgs universitet

Publicerad i

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Physics, Mathem, December 2003

Vol. 52 Nummer/häfte 4 s. 356-


Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Data- och informationsvetenskap

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