Influence of microstructure of alloy 718 on high strain rate deformation
Paper i proceeding, 2014

There are a number of situations where alloys for aero engines undergo deformation with high strain rates, e.g. during metal cutting. To understand, model and predict the behaviour we need knowledge of high strain rate behaviour, but also understand the influence of the microstructures. The material investigated is Alloy 718, a precipitate heat treatable nickel base alloy, heat treated to generate four microstructures; small and large grain size, aged and solution treated condition. Split Hopkinson was used for high strain rate compression testing; the strain rates tested in tensile and compression ranges 0.001-3000 s-1. To describe the deformation, the Johnson Cook material model was optimized for each microstructure. Present microstructure is influencing the stress response more than the strain rate and the different microstructures deform in slightly different manner where small grains tend to deform in primary glide and large grains deform in both primary and secondary glide systems.

Split Hopkinson


high strain rate deformation

Alloy 718


Joakim Johansson

Chalmers, Material- och tillverkningsteknik, Materialteknologi

Christer Persson

Chalmers, Material- och tillverkningsteknik, Materialteknologi

Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013, MS and T 2013

Vol. 4 2014 2563-2570
978-162993309-2 (ISBN)

Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013, MS and T 2013
Montreal, Canada,

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Metallurgi och metalliska material



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