Broadcasting in Time
Paper i proceeding, 1996

In the calculus of broadcasting systems (CBS), speech is autonomous, but hearing takes place only when the environment speaks. This paper develops a timed CBS (TCBS) where no time may pass if there is speech pending. A process wishing to speak can be forced, by attaching a time-out to it, to first listen for a specified length of time. TCBS subsumes CBS with priorities, and has an expansion theorem even if time is dense. A delay prefix operator can be derived up to weak bisimulation. TCBS casts light on issues in handshake communication: time abstracted bisimulation, and the relations between time and priority, between expansion theorems and density of time, and between delays and time-outs.


K V S Prasad

Institutionen för datavetenskap

Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Coordination Languages and Models, First International Conference, COORDINATION '96)

3-540-61052-9 (ISBN)


Datavetenskap (datalogi)



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