Design, Construction and Calibration of a Swimming Force Gauge
Rapport, 2015

Tethered Swimming is a well-established test to measure the performance and progress in swimmers and has shown to be reliable in different styles and distances. However, this tests are performed in high technology laboratories only for top athletes. This work presents the first effort to produce a low-cost, user-friendly force gauge to develop tethered swimming tests. The device presented in this work produces force graphs similar to the those presented by top research laboratories and has proven to give an error of 2N, similar to the error reported for the IMADA Force Gauge ZPH series. This works also introduce the first attempt to analyze force measurements using wavelets. Finally, improvements on the device and analysis are suggested, to continue the device design and obtain smaller error and analysis information


Reyna Guadalupe Ramirez de la Torre

Chalmers, Teknisk fysik, Kondenserade materiens fysik


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