Adding Equivalence Classes to Stålmarck's Method in First Order Logic
Paper i proceeding, 2004

Stålmarck's method is a theorem proving method for propositional logic that has been known for more than a decade, and which has been successful in many industrial applications. During the last few years, a first order logic lifting of the method has been developed. This extended abstract presents the major features of the extension, and describes work in progress on how to lift the equivalence relations known from the propositional version of the method.

Equivalence Relations

Stålmarck's Method

First Order Logic


Magnus Björk

Chalmers, Institutionen för datavetenskap, Formella metoder

Contributions to the Doctoral Programme of the Second International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2004)

1613-0073 (ISSN)

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Data- och informationsvetenskap

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