In search of maritime energy management
Doktorsavhandling, 2016

This thesis deals with a transdisciplinary research project that concerned the implementation of an energy management system standard -- ISO 50001 -- in two shipping companies. This project was partially succesful insofar as we implemented the standard in one of the two companies. It is a thesis by papers: the introductory text discusses the research process, to explore in hindsight how transdisciplinarity was made possible. The appended papers bring up issues that were suitable to fit into such a structure during the course of the implementation project, and after. These issues are related to various aspects of "maritime energy management". The papers can be read in any order, with or without reading the introduction first, but my intention is that you continue reading, page by page, beyond this abstract and onwards until recommended otherwise. On the other hand, as Umberto Eco wrote: "books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry."

action research

maritime energy management

energy efficiency gap


Hörsal Alfa, hus Saga, Chalmers campus Lindholmen
Opponent: Lars J Nilsson


Hannes Johnson

Chalmers, Sjöfart och marin teknik, Maritim miljövetenskap

Barriers to energy efficiency in shipping

WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs,;Vol. 15(2016)p. 79-96

Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Increased energy efficiency in short sea shipping through decreased time in port

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,;Vol. 71(2015)p. 167-178

Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Barriers to improving energy efficiency in short sea shipping: an action research case study

Journal of Cleaner Production,;Vol. 66(2014)p. 317-327

Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Hållbar utveckling





Annan teknik



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie

Hörsal Alfa, hus Saga, Chalmers campus Lindholmen

Opponent: Lars J Nilsson

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