Transferring Tacit Knowldge in Process Control
Paper i proceeding, 2017

Experienced operators, who have worked in process industry for many years possess extensive tacit knowledge regarding how to operate and control the plant. The purpose of this study was to propose methods for knowledge transfer regarding process control. Four conditions are important for successful knowledge transfer: resources from the management, access to a control room environment, access to saved process data from incidents and disturbances, and motivated experienced operators with verbal skills. Methods recommended for catching tacit knowledge regarding process control are observations in the control room, operators using the think-aloud methodology during work, and expert operators creating and analyzing scenarios of disturbances. Methods for transfer tacit knowledge are scenario analysis of disturbances in focus groups, or role-play between experienced and novice operator. Also informal and spontaneous methods for knowledge transfer can be successful.

Process control



Operator control

Tacit knowledge


Anna-Lisa Osvalder

Chalmers, Produkt- och produktionsutveckling, Design and Human Factors

Anders Colmsjö

Stockholms universitet

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

21945357 (ISSN) 2194-5365 (eISSN)

Vol. 498 485-492


Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi





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