Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2016
F. Sprovieri
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rende
N. Pirrone
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome
M. Bencardino
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rende
F. D'Amore
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rende
F. Carbone
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rende
S. Cinnirella
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rende
V. Mannarino
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rende
M. Landis
United States Environmental Protection Agency
R. Ebinghaus
A. Weigelt
E. G. Brunke
South African Weather Service
C. Labuschagne
South African Weather Service
L. Martin
South African Weather Service
John Munthe
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
I. Wangberg
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
P. Artaxo
Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
F. Morais
Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
H. D. J. Barbosa
Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
J. Brito
Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
W. Cairns
Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia
C. Barbante
Consiglo Nazionale Delle Richerche
Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia
M. D. Dieguez
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas
P. E. Garcia
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas
A. Dommergue
Université Grenoble Alpes
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
H. Angot
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Université Grenoble Alpes
O. Magand
Université Grenoble Alpes
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
H. Skov
Aarhus Universitet
M. Horvat
Institut Jožef Stefan
J. Kotnik
Institut Jožef Stefan
K. A. Read
University of York
L. M. Neves
Cape Verde Observatory
B. M. Gawlik
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)
F. Sena
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)
N. Mashyanov
Saint Petersburg State University - Spsu
V. Obolkin
Russian Academy of Sciences
D. Wip
Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname
X. Bin Feng
Chinese Academy of Sciences
H. Zhang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
X. W. Fu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
R. Ramachandran
Anna University Chennai
D. Cossa
IFREMER - Centre de Toulon
J. Knoery
IFREMER Centre de Nantes
N. Marusczak
IFREMER - Centre de Toulon
Michelle Nerentorp
Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material
C. Norstrom
Aarhus Universitet
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
1680-7316 (ISSN) 1680-7324 (eISSN)
Vol. 16 18 11915-11935Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Multidisciplinär geovetenskap