Palindromic bernoulli distributions
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2016

We introduce and study a subclass of joint Bernoulli distributions which has the palindromic property. For such distributions the vector of joint probabilities is unchanged when the order of the elements is reversed. We prove for binary variables that the palindromic property is equivalent to zero constraints on all odd-order interaction parameters, be it in parameterizations which are log-linear, linear or multivariate logistic. In particular, we derive the one-to-one parametric transformations for these three types of model specifications and give simple closed forms of maximum likelihood estimates. Several special cases are discussed and a case study is described.

Central symmetry

Multivariate logistic models


Orthant probabilities

Log-linear models

Odd-order interactions

Linear in probability models


Giovanni M. Marchetti

Dipartimento di Statistica

Nanny Wermuth

Chalmers, Matematiska vetenskaper, Matematisk statistik

Göteborgs universitet

Electronic Journal of Statistics

1935-7524 (ISSN)

Vol. 10 2 2435-2460





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