Samarbetsmodell vid ergonomiskt förändringsarbete. Erfarenheter från produktionsteknisk, belastningsergonomisk och psykosocial kartläggning av lastvagnsmontering”. Ergonomigruppen i Göteborg
Rapport, 1985
A comment: Publishing consumer reports was the praxis during this (early) period of time at Chalmers University of Technology, as well as probably at some other universities. This means that frequent and vast academic publication by means of e.g. conference papers and refereed contributions to scientific journals was almost unheard of. At least so for some of the applied science disciplines (today are the situation indeed very different) (i.e. earlier was the publication in many respects focused on trying to satisfy the executive administrator the research foundation in question).
manufacturing system design
efficiency aspects
work-related musculoskeletal disorders
musculoskeletal disorders
multi- and cross-science approaches
Tomas Engström
Institutionen för transportteknik
Jan Johansson Hanse
Göteborgs universitet
Roland Kadefors
Göteborgs universitet
Ulrika Klingenstierna
Ingalill Lindström
Ingvar Pedersén
Sigvard Rubenowitz
Göteborgs universitet
Ulla Rubenowitz
Göteborgs universitet
K Severinsson
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Institutionen för transportteknik