Designing participation with talk around an organigram
Paper i proceeding, 2017

In this paper I consider the uses of an organigram to encourage conversations about expectations of what participation in inter-organisational activities entails today and could entail in the future. I argue that through scaffolding collective sensemaking about participation, an organigram can be design material for co-creation of a boundary organisation able to bring together people from organisations with divergent interests. Suggesting the practical importance of visual representations of inter-organisational innovation in encouraging co-design of ways of joint organising, I also caution that rather than a communicative device, an organigram may be a political device. Talk around organigrams may be both a springboard for the renewal of commitments and a way of assisting exits from partnerships. For this reason, it is important to consider who influences design of visual representations of inter-organisational innovation and for what purposes.

boundary organisation

action research

inter-organisational innovation

participatory innovation

boundary object


Jane Webb

Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy

The ISPIM Innovation Summit, Melbourne, Australia on 10-13 December 2017

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi


Hållbar utveckling

Innovation och entreprenörskap




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