Analytical modelling of the plastic behaviour of concrete under uniform confinement by FRP jacket
Paper i proceeding, 2006

Analytical modelling of the plastic behaviour of concrete under uniform confinement by FRP jacket. T.C. Rousakis A.I. Karabinis P.D. Kiousis R. Tepfers Keywords: FRP, confinement, plasticity theory, dilation, damage ABSTRACT: An investigation and calibration methodology is presented for the plastic behaviour of FRP confined concrete based on the indirect extraction of experimental data from monotonic compression tests of confined cylinders. A Drucker-Prager plasticity model is proposed with an advanced hardening - softening function, in agreement with experimental observations, where the inelastic parameters of concrete are uniquely expressed through analytical relations to concrete strength or jacket's stiffness. The plastic dilation parameter depends on the strength of concrete as well as on the axial rigidity of jacket. The predictions of the model are compared against published experimental data of several researchers and against confinement models.


plasticity theory





Ralejs Tepfers

Chalmers, Bygg- och miljöteknik, Konstruktionsteknik

Theodoros C. Rousakis

A. I. Karabinis

P.D. Kiousis

Greek National 15th Concrete Conference, Alexandroupolis, 25-27 October 2006

Vol. A 347-358

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


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