Surface evaporation of turbulent falling films
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 1991

In refrigeration and heat pump applications, falling film evaporators should be very attractive due to high heat transfer coefficients with negligible pressure drop. In this paper results from an experimental study with refrigerant R12 are reported. The results are compared with existing correlations in the literature and the need for a new correlation is recognized. The following equation is derived with data from three different sources (including the present study and the study of Chun and Seban): Nu = 0.012 Re 0.28 Pr 0.53. The equation has been validated with data from three additional studies.


Anders Åsblad

Institutionen för värmeteknik och maskinlära

Thore Berntsson

Institutionen för värmeteknik och maskinlära

Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer

Vol. 34 3 835-841

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


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